Friday, May 29, 2009

Sunday Event With Brian Moran

Please join hosts

Babur & Tarannum Lateef-Saba & Amira Shami
Mirza & Mona Baig-Salman Tajuddin
Mohamed Abdel-Kader

for their first barbeque of the summer. It will be their first summer social and a meet and greet with Candidate for Governor Brian Moran

Sunday, May 31, 1:00


The Lateef's Home
13001 Chaddsford Terrace
Manassas, VA 20112 US

There will be food, fun and stuff for the kids: Playground-Moon bounce, pony rides, face painting


Come out for a great time and help us show the next Governor of Virginia what our community is all about

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

AAI Jobs

The Arab American Institute is hiring two new staff members in Washington.

Government Relations and Policy Analyst: Point of contact with policy and advocacy organizations and coalitions: federal agencies, including the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and State as well as the FBI; and congressional offices. Reports to AAI Director of Government Relations.

Press Secretary: Responsible for media relations and strategy to enhance and expand AAI's presence in national and international print, broadcast and online media. Reports to AAI Director of Communications and works closely with AAI President.

Please have resumes sent to Miriam Vitale at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Middle Eastern Oil

Today, I received a robocall from Tom Davis. He asked a question about reducing our importing of Middle Eastern oil. Middle Eastern oil? Is importing other oil okay?

His message said to call the Thomas Jefferson Institute for more information so I did. I asked why they used the term "Middle Eastern" oil. The number one country from which we get our petroleum is Canada. Number two is Mexico. Third is Venezuela. So why are they concerned with the Middle East? The guy said thanks and abruptly hung up on me. I called back and got the answering machine and left a message asking for the answer to my question. Why did they single out the Middle East?

Since he's not going to answer my question, I thought all of you would call and try to get an answer. Let me know how you make out. Here's their phone number 703.440.9447.

Oh, the source of my information - the good old US Department of Energy.

100,000 Jobs? Really?

“[I] created over 100,000 jobs.”
- Terry McAuliffe, (Farm Team debate, April 19, 2009)

According to the Washington Post, Terry McAuliffe hasn’t created any jobs in Virginia , as they noted in a front page exposé on his troubled business background:

“…McAuliffe boasted of launching five businesses in Virginia . It turned out that all five are investment partnerships, with no employees, registered to his home address in McLean .” –Washington Post, McAuliffe’s Business Background Could Prove a Liability. May 3, 2009

Here are some companies that have definitely created lots of jobs. No exaggerations or distortions.

Microsoft employs 95,029 people, worldwide. Did Terry McAuliffe really create more jobs than Bill Gates? (

IBM has 115,000 employees in the United States . Has Terry McAuliffe really created as many jobs as the inventors of the personal computer? (, p53)

Google employs 20,164. Has Terry McAuliffe created more jobs than the most successful Internet company of the past five years? (

If Terry McAuliffe’s companies were so big and so successful, how come no one has ever heard of them?