Monday, April 26, 2010

United Palestinian Appeal

Please join friends and supporters at a special reception to support The United Palestinian Appeal: Celebrating Our Past - Envisioning Our Future Together and support the UPA as it moves into a strong future maintaining and enhancing its valuable work with our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

Thursday, May 6
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

DLA Piper
500 Eighth Street, NW
Washington, DC

Tickets: $150

Please RSVP to or 202.659.5007

Special guest speakers include:
Honorable Nick J. Rahall III
Honorable George R. Salem, Esq.
William Langhorne, Porche Super Cup, F1 Series
Jennifer Salan, Senior Producer, Riz Khan Show, Al Jazeera English

Be there!

Please call or email Samar to reserve your tickets today.