Thursday, March 22, 2007

Governor Kaine Breaks Bread With NDPAC

The newdominionPAC family enjoyed a beautiful spring evening with Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. At a private dinner in the historic Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Governor Kaine and Larry Roberts, the Governor’s Counsel, mingled and dined with NDPAC members.

NDPAC Vice President , Jameel Abed opened the evening with remarks of Governor Kaine’s long relationship with our community. Jameel recalled a time, more than fifteen years ago, when Governor Kaine told him that our community members need to step up in Virginia politics.

NDPAC President, Saba Shami spoke of his good friend, the Governor, and how close our relationships are with the Governor and his Administration.

Governor Kaine echoed these remarks in his heart-felt thanks to Saba, Jameel, and to our community. He spoke of Saba’s service in his administration and recognized Sam Abed for his work in the Kaine administration, too.

Mr. Roberts spoke of his relationship with Saba and Sam in the administration of the state government. He took questions from the guests and he talked about what we can do to increase the number of Arab-Americans in government positions.

Sam Rasoul, a Palestinian-American, spoke of his candidacy for the US Congress from the 6th District of Virginia.

As you might imagine, when the NDPAC family gets together, we have fun. After dinner, members talked, toured the beautiful Jefferson Hotel, and looked forward to us getting together like this again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a delightful evening was had by all!