Sunday, December 9, 2007

Foreign Oil

Usually, I just post event information but there is something that I talk about all the time and it's about time I posted it here.

Oil. Petroleum. Liquid Gold. Texas Tea. Black Gold.

What do you hear about it here in the US? Arab oil!

Why don't they call it "imported oil?" I'll leave tht to your imagination. Personally, I'm sick of blaming us for the problem by calling it Arab oil -like we caused the problem!

I'm going to ask you to do something and that is to call it "imported oil" or "foreign oil" rather than "Arab oil." Why? Because we import most of our oil from non-Arab countries. Our own US Energy Department publishes monthly reports of our sources of imported oil and petroleum.

Check it out and you'll see where we get most of our petroleum - Canada. For years, Mexico was second and Venezuela was third. Saudia Arabia crept into second spot in recent months but Mexico is in second place overall for 2007.

We get more petroleum from the Virgin Islands than we do from Kuwait.

Check back to the above link every month to see the new figures and get the straight story out.

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