Saturday, August 15, 2009

Deeds for Governor

On Monday, August 10 a group of leaders from the newdominionPAC (NDPAC) and the Arab American Democratic Caucus of Virginia (AADCV) met over dinner (thanks, Nora and Sam Burgan!) with the Democratic nominee for governor, State Senator Creigh Deeds. The program included welcoming remarks by the host, Samer Burgan, AADCV past president and current NDPAC vice president; a historic overview by NDPAC president Saba Shami; and a discussion of strategy by Sam Rasoul, the 2008 (and 2010, I hope!) Democratic candidate for Congress from Virginia’s 6th Congressional District.

Senator Deeds spoke of diversity in the Commonwealth and the role each group and community can play in moving Virginia further in the direction that the two democratic governors - Warner and Kaine - have move the state. Senator Deeds invited our community to have a seat at the table and play an active role in both his campaign and administration.

The newdominionPAC is planning two fundraisers for Senator Deeds - one in Richmond on Sunday, September 13 and one immediately before the annual Arab American Candidates’ Night at the Tyson’s Corner Marriott on Sunday, September 27. For more information, contact

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