Saturday, September 19, 2009

Democratic Women of Clifton Meeting

Sunday, September 20 from 3:00 to 5:00
Clifton Community Hall
12641 Chapel Road
Clifton, VA
(Please park in the large parking lot next to, but not in front of, the shops.)

Spend a fall afternoon with friends for lively discussion and important information. The guest speaker is Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA, 11th District) who will share his insider's perspective on the workings of Congress and the making of legislation. If you have ever wondered how totally unrelated proposals for legislation end up in one bill, as when a provision allowing concealed weapons in national parks is attached to a bill placing restrictions on credit card companies, this conversation is sure to engage your interest. We will also hear a report on the upcoming Virginia elections and other issues raised by members.

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