Saturday, January 20, 2007

AAI Takes Action on Glenn Beck Hiring

Normally, I post just information of events where we can be seen. Now, it's time to be heard.

The AAI Bulletin article (below) is of concern. I have been checking the records of hits to my blog and I am happy that we have had visitors from most ot the states in the US and from most continents. People from many countries have been to see what we're doing. Now is the time for viewers to let ABC have it. Send them a letter. Feel free to comment here's, too. Let others know you sent a letter by posting a comment to this article. Here's what the AAI had to say:

AAI Takes Action on Glenn Beck Hiring
As you read earlier this week in Countdown, ABC's "Good Morning America" has recently announced that it is hiring anti-Arab rhetoric propagator Glenn Beck as a regular commentator on its program. During his tenure at CNN and as a talk-radio host, Beck has consistently fueled his commentary with vitriol and falsehoods aimed at stirring resentment towards Arabs and Muslims. AAI, along with the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), has sent a forceful letter to ABC News and Good Morning America requesting that they reconsider Beck's hiring. You can read the letter on AAI's website. ABC News has initially responded to our letter, which is promising, but we need your help in order to encourage positive action on the part of ABC regarding this matter.
We are asking supporters to call and email ABC News and voice their concerns about Good Morning America's decision to hire Glenn Beck. Check out AAI's Action Alert, which provides instructions on who you can call or email at ABC to personally voice your concerns.

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