Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gerry Connolly's Democratic Thank You Brunch

Saturday, December 8
11 am - 1 pm

Best Western
6654 Arlington Blvd
Fairfax, VA 22042; map)

You are the many Northern Virginia Democrats who supported our candidates in the 2007 elections – and you are invited to a Thank You Brunch hosted by Fairfax County Board Chairman Gerry Connolly.

The Fairfax County Democratic Committee and the 8th, 10th, and 11th Congressional District Democratic Committees are co-sponsoring the event. Our new Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw and other elected officials, candidates, and party leaders are scheduled to attend.

Democrats wishing to attend the free brunch can RSVP by email to More information is available from 11th CD Chair George Burke at or 202.288.2104.

Those planning to attend the brunch are encouraged to bring items that will be sent to Army and Marine units in Iraq and Afghanistan in time for Christmas and the months following. Popular personal items include soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, strong moisturizers, disposable razors, deodorant, baby powder/corn starch, facial wipes that don’t require water, nail clippers, boot socks in tan, brown or green, magazines, non-pork snacks like jerky, candy, cookies, gum, energy bars, playing cards and other portable games, hot sauce, pens, paper, envelopes, and notebooks.

The Best Western is located at 6654 Arlington Blvd (Route 50) just east of the intersection of Annandale Road. Ample parking is available in the Best Western’s lot. The nearest Metro station is East Falls Church.

Map/directions, click here. Flyer click here

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