Friday, June 6, 2008

newdominionPAC Dinner With Our Next Governor, Brian Moran

Once again, the newdominionPAC hosted a dinner with a government leader in Virginia. On April 30, we were honored to have as our guest, our friend, Delegate Brian Moran.

To the right is a photo of Delegate Moran with a few of the regulars.

It's always a special time when the newdominionPAC members can get together for good food, good conversation and a little politics. We talk, we, did we eat. It was my first time at Me Jana in Arlington. My friend, Saba Shami, is a gracious host and he outdid himself when he selected the restaurant.

It was good to have some time with Delegate Moran to hear his views on the issues of the day and for him to hear ours. You'll be hearing more about Delegate Moran after the November election.

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