Saturday, September 19, 2009

Call 'Em Out!

For months, special interests and their Republican allies have been smearing health insurance reform to try to defeat it. As President Obama said last week, "I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it's better politics to kill this plan than improve it... If you misrepresent what's in the plan, we will call you out."

The is starting a new campaign called "Call 'em out!" When a Republican official violates the public trust by lying about reform, they'll be there to expose them.

First up is Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who has claimed that health reform will lead to death panels -a claim so debunked that even former Republican Congressman and conservative pundit Joe Scarborough spoke out about Pawlenty's false claims. Now it's time for us to call him out.

Get started at the new "Call 'em out!" action center.

Set the record straight about Pawlenty's lies by calling him out on Facebook or Twitter. Expose his shameful tactics to his constituents in Minnesota. Call and tell him to stop lying about health insurance reform and playing politics with the nation's well-being. Spread the word about his false statements and extreme views.

If health reform is only a political equation to some GOP politicians, it's time to change the equation. Every Republican official must understand: If you lie about reform, the American people will call you out!

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