A First Freedom Project Seminar:
Federal Laws Protecting Religious Freedom
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
DOJ Office of Justice Programs Conference Center
810 7th Street N.W., Room 3102
Washington, D.C.
9:00 a.m. – noon
Introductory remarks by Grace Chung Becker, Acting Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division and presentations by Eric W. Treene, Special Counsel for Religious Discrimination, Civil Rights Division; Steven H. Rosenbaum, Chief, Housing and Civil Enforcement Section, Civil Rights Division; and Mark J. Kappelhoff, Chief, Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division
Topics will include Religious Discrimination in Public Schools, Colleges and Universities; Religious Discrimination and Public Employees; The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA); Religion-based Housing and Lending Discrimination; Religious Discrimination in Access to Public Accommodations and Public Facilities; Prosecuting Attacks on Houses of Worship and Persons Based on Religion.
Admission is free but registration is required by January 24. This seminar is designed for religious, community, and civil rights leaders, government officials, attorneys, and others interested in religious liberty issues. Continuing Legal Education credit may be available.
To register, send your name, organization (if applicable) and phone number to:
Please call Valissa Johnson at 202.514.9470 for more information.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Laughing All The Way To The (west) Bank
By Andrew Lee Butters
December 11, 2007
The Axis of Evil arrived in Lebanon last week. No, not in the form of some Iran-backed coup d' état, but as a stand-up comedy team made up of three Americans of Middle Eastern descent. (They couldn't find a funny North Korean.) On the last leg of a regional tour playing to sold-out venues in Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, they arrived at the Casino Du Liban outside of Beirut with a certain sense of relief. Lebanon was the only country that allowed them to perform their routine with expletives undeleted — no small challenge for a modern American comedy act. "#@#%#$!" said frontman Ahmed Ahmed, as soon as he got on stage, as if to prove the point.
In the U.S., Axis of Evil gets most of its mileage out of sending up the paranoid American stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims. Ahmed Ahmed, who is an Egyptian-American, likes to complain about how hard it is to pass through airport security because a well-known terrorist shares the same name. If dubious airline officials ask him to prove he's a comedian by telling a joke, Ahmed responds: "Um, I just graduated from flight school?" When that joke bombs (sorry!), he consoles himself with the thought of how frustrated the other Ahmed must get when people mistake him for a comedian. "I'm a terrorist, goddamit!"
The group's Middle Eastern tour is also getting a lot of laughs out of foibles better known to locals. Some of the funnier bits included: "When Arabs hook up they never say 'Your place or mine?' They say, 'Where are your parents, and how big is your car?'" Or, on how an Arab version of the TV game show The Price Is Right! should be called, "This Price Is Not Right!" When the group arrived in Jordan, the first time a stand-up troupe had ever preformed in the kingdom, the comedians were surprised to discover that much of their audience already knew their jokes and had already seen the Axis of Evil DVD, even though Axis of Evil doesn't have a distributor in Jordan. "It's the Middle Eastern distribution system," said Ahmed Ahmed. "One person buys it, and everyone else copies it."
Popular though they may be, comedy is no laughing matter in much of the Middle East, where the censors of autocratic regimes keep watch for criticism disguised as satire. (A woman I once met in Syria was jailed for forwarding an e-mail joke about that country's President.) But by comparison, in Lebanon, which hardly has a government, almost anything goes. Indeed, the Axis of Evil arrived just in time to coincide with a season of political farce being performed in Lebanon's parliament, which — deadlocked between factions backed by Iran and by the U.S. — has been unable to replace the President, who stepped down last month. "Who needs a President?" said Maz Jobrani, an Iranian-American on the Axis of Evil roster, as he mocked the jaded Lebanese audience. "You've got the sea. You've got the mountains. You've got Miss Lebanon! A President would just mess things up. Tonight we party!"
But there is also a semi-serious element to the Axis of Evil tour. At each stop, the group has invited local talent to share the stage with them, as a way of promoting emerging Middle Eastern stand-up comedy. In Lebanon, guests included students from the American University of Beirut, and an insurance agent who's clearly dying to quit his day job. And, perhaps, by heaping scorn equally on the claims of all sects and creeds, they'll do their part for peace in the region. "Is there any religious group that doesn't believe it's superior to everyone else?" said Aron Kader, the Palestinian-American. "No, we're not the Chosen People, but we do come highly recommended."
December 11, 2007
The Axis of Evil arrived in Lebanon last week. No, not in the form of some Iran-backed coup d' état, but as a stand-up comedy team made up of three Americans of Middle Eastern descent. (They couldn't find a funny North Korean.) On the last leg of a regional tour playing to sold-out venues in Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, they arrived at the Casino Du Liban outside of Beirut with a certain sense of relief. Lebanon was the only country that allowed them to perform their routine with expletives undeleted — no small challenge for a modern American comedy act. "#@#%#$!" said frontman Ahmed Ahmed, as soon as he got on stage, as if to prove the point.
In the U.S., Axis of Evil gets most of its mileage out of sending up the paranoid American stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims. Ahmed Ahmed, who is an Egyptian-American, likes to complain about how hard it is to pass through airport security because a well-known terrorist shares the same name. If dubious airline officials ask him to prove he's a comedian by telling a joke, Ahmed responds: "Um, I just graduated from flight school?" When that joke bombs (sorry!), he consoles himself with the thought of how frustrated the other Ahmed must get when people mistake him for a comedian. "I'm a terrorist, goddamit!"
The group's Middle Eastern tour is also getting a lot of laughs out of foibles better known to locals. Some of the funnier bits included: "When Arabs hook up they never say 'Your place or mine?' They say, 'Where are your parents, and how big is your car?'" Or, on how an Arab version of the TV game show The Price Is Right! should be called, "This Price Is Not Right!" When the group arrived in Jordan, the first time a stand-up troupe had ever preformed in the kingdom, the comedians were surprised to discover that much of their audience already knew their jokes and had already seen the Axis of Evil DVD, even though Axis of Evil doesn't have a distributor in Jordan. "It's the Middle Eastern distribution system," said Ahmed Ahmed. "One person buys it, and everyone else copies it."
Popular though they may be, comedy is no laughing matter in much of the Middle East, where the censors of autocratic regimes keep watch for criticism disguised as satire. (A woman I once met in Syria was jailed for forwarding an e-mail joke about that country's President.) But by comparison, in Lebanon, which hardly has a government, almost anything goes. Indeed, the Axis of Evil arrived just in time to coincide with a season of political farce being performed in Lebanon's parliament, which — deadlocked between factions backed by Iran and by the U.S. — has been unable to replace the President, who stepped down last month. "Who needs a President?" said Maz Jobrani, an Iranian-American on the Axis of Evil roster, as he mocked the jaded Lebanese audience. "You've got the sea. You've got the mountains. You've got Miss Lebanon! A President would just mess things up. Tonight we party!"
But there is also a semi-serious element to the Axis of Evil tour. At each stop, the group has invited local talent to share the stage with them, as a way of promoting emerging Middle Eastern stand-up comedy. In Lebanon, guests included students from the American University of Beirut, and an insurance agent who's clearly dying to quit his day job. And, perhaps, by heaping scorn equally on the claims of all sects and creeds, they'll do their part for peace in the region. "Is there any religious group that doesn't believe it's superior to everyone else?" said Aron Kader, the Palestinian-American. "No, we're not the Chosen People, but we do come highly recommended."
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Foreign Oil
Usually, I just post event information but there is something that I talk about all the time and it's about time I posted it here.
Oil. Petroleum. Liquid Gold. Texas Tea. Black Gold.
What do you hear about it here in the US? Arab oil!
Why don't they call it "imported oil?" I'll leave tht to your imagination. Personally, I'm sick of blaming us for the problem by calling it Arab oil -like we caused the problem!
I'm going to ask you to do something and that is to call it "imported oil" or "foreign oil" rather than "Arab oil." Why? Because we import most of our oil from non-Arab countries. Our own US Energy Department publishes monthly reports of our sources of imported oil and petroleum.
Check it out and you'll see where we get most of our petroleum - Canada. For years, Mexico was second and Venezuela was third. Saudia Arabia crept into second spot in recent months but Mexico is in second place overall for 2007.
We get more petroleum from the Virgin Islands than we do from Kuwait.
Check back to the above link every month to see the new figures and get the straight story out.
Oil. Petroleum. Liquid Gold. Texas Tea. Black Gold.
What do you hear about it here in the US? Arab oil!
Why don't they call it "imported oil?" I'll leave tht to your imagination. Personally, I'm sick of blaming us for the problem by calling it Arab oil -like we caused the problem!
I'm going to ask you to do something and that is to call it "imported oil" or "foreign oil" rather than "Arab oil." Why? Because we import most of our oil from non-Arab countries. Our own US Energy Department publishes monthly reports of our sources of imported oil and petroleum.
Check it out and you'll see where we get most of our petroleum - Canada. For years, Mexico was second and Venezuela was third. Saudia Arabia crept into second spot in recent months but Mexico is in second place overall for 2007.
We get more petroleum from the Virgin Islands than we do from Kuwait.
Check back to the above link every month to see the new figures and get the straight story out.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Return of the Peace Process? A Roundtable on the Annapolis Meeting
5:30 pm
Thursday, December 6
Copley Formal Lounge
The Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University
Confirmed participants include:
HE Dr. Imad Moustapha
Syrian Ambassador to the United States
Ambassador Clovis Maksoud
Director, Center for the Global South, American University
Dr. Michael Hudson
Director, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University
Ambassador Phillip C. Wilcox
President, Foundation for Middle East Peace
Mr. Nathan Guttman
Washington Bureau Chief, The Jewish Daily
RSVP here: https://www12.georgetown.edu/sfs/rsvp/index.cfm?Action=View&EventID=1501
Thursday, December 6
Light refreshments will be served
Copley Formal Lounge
The Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Georgetown University
Confirmed participants include:
HE Dr. Imad Moustapha
Syrian Ambassador to the United States
Ambassador Clovis Maksoud
Director, Center for the Global South, American University
Dr. Michael Hudson
Director, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University
Ambassador Phillip C. Wilcox
President, Foundation for Middle East Peace
Mr. Nathan Guttman
Washington Bureau Chief, The Jewish Daily
RSVP here: https://www12.georgetown.edu/sfs/rsvp/index.cfm?Action=View&EventID=1501
Monday, December 3, 2007
Yalla! Volunteer
Do you have a few hours during the day or at home?
Do you want to help Arab American Institute with the Yalla Vote Campaign?
They are looking for a folks who like to do research on the internet and are interested in the presidential campaigns. If you are interested please contact Maram Abdelhamid at 202.429.9210 x13
Do you want to help Arab American Institute with the Yalla Vote Campaign?
They are looking for a folks who like to do research on the internet and are interested in the presidential campaigns. If you are interested please contact Maram Abdelhamid at 202.429.9210 x13
Yalla Vote '08 Presidential Campaign Connection!
The fine folks at the Arab American Institute are connecting Arab Americans with the presidential campaigns. It is so important that they have your feedback to help shape the 2008 election.
Please take a moment and complete the AAI's survey so they can assist you in playing a role in the campaigns of your choice. The survey is at http://www.aaiusa.org/page/s/yalla08survey
Please take a moment and complete the AAI's survey so they can assist you in playing a role in the campaigns of your choice. The survey is at http://www.aaiusa.org/page/s/yalla08survey
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Gerry Connolly's Democratic Thank You Brunch
Saturday, December 8
11 am - 1 pm
Best Western
6654 Arlington Blvd
Fairfax, VA 22042; map)
You are the many Northern Virginia Democrats who supported our candidates in the 2007 elections – and you are invited to a Thank You Brunch hosted by Fairfax County Board Chairman Gerry Connolly.
The Fairfax County Democratic Committee and the 8th, 10th, and 11th Congressional District Democratic Committees are co-sponsoring the event. Our new Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw and other elected officials, candidates, and party leaders are scheduled to attend.
Democrats wishing to attend the free brunch can RSVP by email to jennisonjohn@aol.com. More information is available from 11th CD Chair George Burke at georgeburke@cox.net or 202.288.2104.
Those planning to attend the brunch are encouraged to bring items that will be sent to Army and Marine units in Iraq and Afghanistan in time for Christmas and the months following. Popular personal items include soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, strong moisturizers, disposable razors, deodorant, baby powder/corn starch, facial wipes that don’t require water, nail clippers, boot socks in tan, brown or green, magazines, non-pork snacks like jerky, candy, cookies, gum, energy bars, playing cards and other portable games, hot sauce, pens, paper, envelopes, and notebooks.
The Best Western is located at 6654 Arlington Blvd (Route 50) just east of the intersection of Annandale Road. Ample parking is available in the Best Western’s lot. The nearest Metro station is East Falls Church.
Map/directions, click here. Flyer click here
11 am - 1 pm
Best Western
6654 Arlington Blvd
Fairfax, VA 22042; map)
You are the many Northern Virginia Democrats who supported our candidates in the 2007 elections – and you are invited to a Thank You Brunch hosted by Fairfax County Board Chairman Gerry Connolly.
The Fairfax County Democratic Committee and the 8th, 10th, and 11th Congressional District Democratic Committees are co-sponsoring the event. Our new Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw and other elected officials, candidates, and party leaders are scheduled to attend.
Democrats wishing to attend the free brunch can RSVP by email to jennisonjohn@aol.com. More information is available from 11th CD Chair George Burke at georgeburke@cox.net or 202.288.2104.
Those planning to attend the brunch are encouraged to bring items that will be sent to Army and Marine units in Iraq and Afghanistan in time for Christmas and the months following. Popular personal items include soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, strong moisturizers, disposable razors, deodorant, baby powder/corn starch, facial wipes that don’t require water, nail clippers, boot socks in tan, brown or green, magazines, non-pork snacks like jerky, candy, cookies, gum, energy bars, playing cards and other portable games, hot sauce, pens, paper, envelopes, and notebooks.
The Best Western is located at 6654 Arlington Blvd (Route 50) just east of the intersection of Annandale Road. Ample parking is available in the Best Western’s lot. The nearest Metro station is East Falls Church.
Map/directions, click here. Flyer click here
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Annual Souk and Olive Harvest Celebration
Saturday, December 8
11:00 to 4:00
Experience the ambience of a Middle Eastern souk (market) right here in Washington. Enjoy an afternoon of music, coffee, food, henna painting, and the sales of textiles, pottery, jewelry and gifts from North Africa and the Middle East. Celebrate the annual olive harvest in Palestine and support Palestinian farmers by purchasing bottles of fair trade extra virgin olive oil and olive oil soap imported from Palestine. Bring your family and friends to this fun and vibrant event!
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. The Jerusalem Fund is located in the ground floor of the Potomac Plaza Building at 2425 Virginia Ave, NW, walking distance from the Foggy Bottom metro stop.
For information, please call 202.338.1958.
The Jerusalem Fund's cultural program promotes the work of artists from Palestine as well as from the Arab and Islamic worlds through art exhibits, book signing, film screenings and musical performances. The cultural activities at the Jerusalem Fund Gallery, located in Washington, are being made available to a wider audience through our website and through lesson plans for educators and students of all ages.
The Palestine Center
2425 Virginia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037
11:00 to 4:00
Experience the ambience of a Middle Eastern souk (market) right here in Washington. Enjoy an afternoon of music, coffee, food, henna painting, and the sales of textiles, pottery, jewelry and gifts from North Africa and the Middle East. Celebrate the annual olive harvest in Palestine and support Palestinian farmers by purchasing bottles of fair trade extra virgin olive oil and olive oil soap imported from Palestine. Bring your family and friends to this fun and vibrant event!
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. The Jerusalem Fund is located in the ground floor of the Potomac Plaza Building at 2425 Virginia Ave, NW, walking distance from the Foggy Bottom metro stop.
For information, please call 202.338.1958.
The Jerusalem Fund's cultural program promotes the work of artists from Palestine as well as from the Arab and Islamic worlds through art exhibits, book signing, film screenings and musical performances. The cultural activities at the Jerusalem Fund Gallery, located in Washington, are being made available to a wider audience through our website and through lesson plans for educators and students of all ages.
The Palestine Center
2425 Virginia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037
A Personal Struggle Against the Wall in Bethlehem with Daoud Nassar
Wednesday, December 5
12:30 to 2:00
The Palestine Center
In the hills south of Jesus Christ's birthplace, Daoud Nassar fights to keep his family's 100-acre farm, Daher's Vineyard, from being seized by Israel. The Nassars are a Palestinian Christian family and Daoud is one of eight grandchildren of Daher, the farmer who bought the land south of Bethlehem in 1924. The Nassar’s farm stands alone, surrounded by Jewish settlements and the Wall. Mr. Nassar will discuss his family's work of non-violent resistance to the occupation, the future of his family's farm and the symbolic and political significance of this Palestinian land.
He and his family have established "The Tent of Nations" which provides arts, drama and education to the children of the villages and refugee camps of the region as well as a Women's Educational Center in the adjacent Palestinian village of Nahalin that offers classes in computer literacy, English and a workshop on how to shape society and decision-making.This briefing is free and open to the public.
A light lunch will be served to registered guests at 12:30. The briefing and question/answer period will follow from 1:00 to 2:00. Registration is required. Unregistered guests will not be admitted. To register, send the name of the event, your name, affiliation and contact information to rsvp@palestinecenter.org or call 202.338.1958 ext.11 by noon Tuesday.
12:30 to 2:00
The Palestine Center
In the hills south of Jesus Christ's birthplace, Daoud Nassar fights to keep his family's 100-acre farm, Daher's Vineyard, from being seized by Israel. The Nassars are a Palestinian Christian family and Daoud is one of eight grandchildren of Daher, the farmer who bought the land south of Bethlehem in 1924. The Nassar’s farm stands alone, surrounded by Jewish settlements and the Wall. Mr. Nassar will discuss his family's work of non-violent resistance to the occupation, the future of his family's farm and the symbolic and political significance of this Palestinian land.
He and his family have established "The Tent of Nations" which provides arts, drama and education to the children of the villages and refugee camps of the region as well as a Women's Educational Center in the adjacent Palestinian village of Nahalin that offers classes in computer literacy, English and a workshop on how to shape society and decision-making.This briefing is free and open to the public.
A light lunch will be served to registered guests at 12:30. The briefing and question/answer period will follow from 1:00 to 2:00. Registration is required. Unregistered guests will not be admitted. To register, send the name of the event, your name, affiliation and contact information to rsvp@palestinecenter.org or call 202.338.1958 ext.11 by noon Tuesday.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Please Support the ADC Research Institute
I received the below message from the ADC Research Institute. They need our financial help. The ADC has been a big help to me and to countless others. I urge you to support them now. Even if you have not directly benefitted from them, you can be certain that their work has benefitted you indirectly. They might have prevented something from happening to you by their strong voice and presence. Please support them today.
Another year is coming to an end and we'd like to take some time to let you know a few of the things on which ADC has been working. Your 100% tax deductible donation helps ADC do its work and we invite you to continue to support ADC and the ADC Research Institute (ADC-RI).
According to an October 23, 2007 USA Today article, a new US government report indicated that the "watch list" used by many federal agencies has now grown to include 755,000 names. The size of the list, typically used to check people entering the country through land border crossings, airports and sea ports, has been growing by 200,000 names a year since 2004. ADC is the only organization with a team of attorneys working to help the thousands of Arab Americans with names matching many on the watch list. According to the most recent statistics from the US Department of Homeland Security, ADC has reported approximately 50% of the watch list complaintsto their Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
In September of this year, ADC learned of a campaign called "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" (IFAW). After investigation, ADC determined the campaign, although touted as educational, does nothing more than spread hate and fear of Arabs and Islam by spreading false, hateful, and biased messages. While ADC values the principle of free speech it believes hateful speech cannot be condoned and should not be allowed to permeate American campuses.
So, ADC immediately contacted all universities listed as participants by organizer and leading Islamophobe David Horowitz. ADC informed these institutions that they were listed as host institutions for IFAW, and expressed concern about the campaign. ADC received responses from numerous universities indicating that after they thoroughly searched student activity calendars, they found no events scheduled. Moreover, many went on to inform ADC that they disapproved of hate speech being promulgated on their campuses. These institutions were upset that their names had been listed, without their knowledge or consent, by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. These universities have asked for their names to be removed from the IFAW websites and lists. ADC's work helped to mitigate the effectiveness of IFAW.
A bill which provides for increased protection for all Americans, including Arab Americans, from being the victims of hate crimes has passed in the Senate. ADC, along with a diverse coalition of over 200 civil rights, faith-based, women's, labor, GLBT, and law enforcement organizations, has campaigned in support of this landmark civil rights bill for a decade. The bill provides assistance to state and local law enforcement agencies to combat hate crimes and amend federal law to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of violent, bias-motivated crimes.
An Arab American woman came to work one morning and found an ominous and threatening letter in her office in Philadelphia. The letter included the phrases "Remember 9/11," "you and your kids will die like dogs," "tie onto the fence," "death," and other references to death and hanging. The woman contacted ADC, and ADC reported and worked with federal authorities on this case and was present at the sentencing hearing. The woman who left the note was recently sentenced to two years probation and will be incarcerated for the first eight months. She was also sentenced to 200 hours of community service which must be completed at a mosque. Additionally, she was mandated to take anger management and diversity training classes.
ADC is co-sponsoring the Arabian Sights Film Festival in Washington, DC. ADC is also co-sponsoring Marcel Khalife and the Mayadine Ensemble performances at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Additionally, ADC will be hosting a photo exhibit depicting Arab American life at its National Headquarters building in Washington, DC.
Eyewitness Lebanon, July - August 2006: An International Law Inquiry is the most extensive study to be released to date on the events in Lebanon during July and August 2006. The Report is based on detailed research from a wide variety of documented sources and includes first-hand interviews and accounts carried out by ADC-RI during a month-long fact finding mission. ADC-RI has documented the effect of the war on the civilian population in Lebanon and analyzed it in the context of international humanitarian law. Anyone who wants to look at how the war in Lebanon affected Lebanese civilians should read this report.
Click here to read the report.
During debate on a hate crimes bill, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) submitted information about the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and hate crimes directed against Arab Americans to the Congressional Record.
Click here to read about ADC in the Congressional Record.
Another year is coming to an end and we'd like to take some time to let you know a few of the things on which ADC has been working. Your 100% tax deductible donation helps ADC do its work and we invite you to continue to support ADC and the ADC Research Institute (ADC-RI).
According to an October 23, 2007 USA Today article, a new US government report indicated that the "watch list" used by many federal agencies has now grown to include 755,000 names. The size of the list, typically used to check people entering the country through land border crossings, airports and sea ports, has been growing by 200,000 names a year since 2004. ADC is the only organization with a team of attorneys working to help the thousands of Arab Americans with names matching many on the watch list. According to the most recent statistics from the US Department of Homeland Security, ADC has reported approximately 50% of the watch list complaintsto their Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
In September of this year, ADC learned of a campaign called "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" (IFAW). After investigation, ADC determined the campaign, although touted as educational, does nothing more than spread hate and fear of Arabs and Islam by spreading false, hateful, and biased messages. While ADC values the principle of free speech it believes hateful speech cannot be condoned and should not be allowed to permeate American campuses.
So, ADC immediately contacted all universities listed as participants by organizer and leading Islamophobe David Horowitz. ADC informed these institutions that they were listed as host institutions for IFAW, and expressed concern about the campaign. ADC received responses from numerous universities indicating that after they thoroughly searched student activity calendars, they found no events scheduled. Moreover, many went on to inform ADC that they disapproved of hate speech being promulgated on their campuses. These institutions were upset that their names had been listed, without their knowledge or consent, by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. These universities have asked for their names to be removed from the IFAW websites and lists. ADC's work helped to mitigate the effectiveness of IFAW.
A bill which provides for increased protection for all Americans, including Arab Americans, from being the victims of hate crimes has passed in the Senate. ADC, along with a diverse coalition of over 200 civil rights, faith-based, women's, labor, GLBT, and law enforcement organizations, has campaigned in support of this landmark civil rights bill for a decade. The bill provides assistance to state and local law enforcement agencies to combat hate crimes and amend federal law to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of violent, bias-motivated crimes.
An Arab American woman came to work one morning and found an ominous and threatening letter in her office in Philadelphia. The letter included the phrases "Remember 9/11," "you and your kids will die like dogs," "tie onto the fence," "death," and other references to death and hanging. The woman contacted ADC, and ADC reported and worked with federal authorities on this case and was present at the sentencing hearing. The woman who left the note was recently sentenced to two years probation and will be incarcerated for the first eight months. She was also sentenced to 200 hours of community service which must be completed at a mosque. Additionally, she was mandated to take anger management and diversity training classes.
ADC is co-sponsoring the Arabian Sights Film Festival in Washington, DC. ADC is also co-sponsoring Marcel Khalife and the Mayadine Ensemble performances at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Additionally, ADC will be hosting a photo exhibit depicting Arab American life at its National Headquarters building in Washington, DC.
Eyewitness Lebanon, July - August 2006: An International Law Inquiry is the most extensive study to be released to date on the events in Lebanon during July and August 2006. The Report is based on detailed research from a wide variety of documented sources and includes first-hand interviews and accounts carried out by ADC-RI during a month-long fact finding mission. ADC-RI has documented the effect of the war on the civilian population in Lebanon and analyzed it in the context of international humanitarian law. Anyone who wants to look at how the war in Lebanon affected Lebanese civilians should read this report.
Click here to read the report.
During debate on a hate crimes bill, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) submitted information about the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and hate crimes directed against Arab Americans to the Congressional Record.
Click here to read about ADC in the Congressional Record.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Christmas Procession for Bethlehem
Saturday, December 22 11:00 - 2:00
Washington, DC Exact location TBD
As with last year's event, Mary and Joseph, with donkey, will lead the procession. Sing hymns, offer prayers, and hear messages of peace. Bethlehem, the city of Jesus' birth, is under occupation. All its residents, including Palestinian Christians, are suffering. Behind the wall that separates neighbor from neighbor, patient from hospital, student from school and farmer from land, Palestinian Christians will continue to bear witness to their faith this Christmas, as they have done for generations. Let us join our voices with theirs in seeking and offering hope for a better future.
Sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee for Bethlehem and the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace For updates on location and details, contact Samia Noursi at 703.255.4150.
Washington, DC Exact location TBD
As with last year's event, Mary and Joseph, with donkey, will lead the procession. Sing hymns, offer prayers, and hear messages of peace. Bethlehem, the city of Jesus' birth, is under occupation. All its residents, including Palestinian Christians, are suffering. Behind the wall that separates neighbor from neighbor, patient from hospital, student from school and farmer from land, Palestinian Christians will continue to bear witness to their faith this Christmas, as they have done for generations. Let us join our voices with theirs in seeking and offering hope for a better future.
Sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee for Bethlehem and the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace For updates on location and details, contact Samia Noursi at 703.255.4150.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Arab American History Conference
The University of Maryland
College Park., MD
December 7 to 9
For registration, contact:
Conference committee
Arab American Historical Foundation
P. O. Box 291159
Los Angeles, CA 90029
323.466-9800 818.507.0333
e-mail: newscircle@sbcglobal.net
Conference Speakers:
Dr. Anan Ameri
Director of the Arab American National Museum
Sami Asmar
Physicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Miles L. Bradbury
Professor, Department of History, University of Maryland
Suheil B. Bushrui
Director of the Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace Project at the Center for Heritage Resource Studies, University of Maryland
Dr. Sawsan El Hady
Egyptian scholar; former Professor of Arabic, University of Beijing and the University of New Zealand
Dr. Edmund Ghareeb
First Mustafa Barzani Scholar of Global Kurdish Studies at American University’s Center for Global Peace and Adjunct Professor of Middle East History and Politics in the School of International Service
Hon. Nick J. Rahall
Congressman, Fourth District, West Virginia
Prof. Paul Shackel
Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Heritage Resource Studies, University of Maryland
Richard Shadyac, Esq.
Attorney and former executive director of ALSAC/St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital
Dr. Irfan Shahid
Professor of Arabic and Islamic Literature, Georgetown University
Michael Suleiman
Professor, University of Kansas
Henri Zoghaib
Director, The Center for Lebanese Heritage, Lebanese American University, Beirut
College Park., MD
December 7 to 9
For registration, contact:
Conference committee
Arab American Historical Foundation
P. O. Box 291159
Los Angeles, CA 90029
323.466-9800 818.507.0333
e-mail: newscircle@sbcglobal.net
Conference Speakers:
Dr. Anan Ameri
Director of the Arab American National Museum
Sami Asmar
Physicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Miles L. Bradbury
Professor, Department of History, University of Maryland
Suheil B. Bushrui
Director of the Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace Project at the Center for Heritage Resource Studies, University of Maryland
Dr. Sawsan El Hady
Egyptian scholar; former Professor of Arabic, University of Beijing and the University of New Zealand
Dr. Edmund Ghareeb
First Mustafa Barzani Scholar of Global Kurdish Studies at American University’s Center for Global Peace and Adjunct Professor of Middle East History and Politics in the School of International Service
Hon. Nick J. Rahall
Congressman, Fourth District, West Virginia
Prof. Paul Shackel
Associate Chair and Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Heritage Resource Studies, University of Maryland
Richard Shadyac, Esq.
Attorney and former executive director of ALSAC/St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital
Dr. Irfan Shahid
Professor of Arabic and Islamic Literature, Georgetown University
Michael Suleiman
Professor, University of Kansas
Henri Zoghaib
Director, The Center for Lebanese Heritage, Lebanese American University, Beirut
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Veterans Day
It's Veterans Day so check out the ASSOCIATION OF PATRIOTIC ARAB AMERICANS IN MILITARY. Jamal S. Baadani, Gunnery Sergeant, USMC has done a great job with this organization. Arab American veterans should consider joining the association.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Kucinich Will Introduce Privileged Resolution To Force Vote On Impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney
On Tuesday, November 6, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) will offer a privileged resolution on the House floor that will bring articles of impeachment against the Vice President, Richard B. Cheney. Following the introduction of the privileged resolution, Kucinich will hold a news conference in Room 2456 Rayburn at 3 p.m.
“The Vice President is cherry picking intelligence and selectively using facts in a manner that does not portray the complete picture,” Kucinich said. “The best option to prevent an unnecessary war with Iran is to impeach the Vice President, the lead cheerleader of the war. The Constitution gave Congress the power to impeach. Congress must use its power to restrain the Administration and impeach the Vice President before he prods the United States into another war.”
On April 24, 2007, Kucinich introduced H. Res. 333, the Articles of Impeachment against the Vice President. The first two charges focus on the Vice President’s successful effort to mislead the Congress and American public into a war against Iraq. The last charge focuses upon the Vice President’s determination to again mislead the Congress and American public into a war, this one against Iran. “H. Res. 333 has been before the House of Representatives for half a year and has 21 cosponsors. At the same time, the Vice President has escalated his belligerence towards Iran. Thus, I believe it is now urgent to move the impeachment resolution,” Kucinich concluded.
The 21 cosponsors of H. Res. 333 are: Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Robert Brady (D-PA), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), William Lacy Clay (D-MO), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Sam Farr (D-CA), Bob Filner (D-CA), Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), Henry Johnson (D-GA), Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Jim McDermott (D-WA), James Moran (D-VA), Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Edolphus Towns (D-NY), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Diane Watson (D-CA), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Albert Wynn (D-MD).
“The Vice President is cherry picking intelligence and selectively using facts in a manner that does not portray the complete picture,” Kucinich said. “The best option to prevent an unnecessary war with Iran is to impeach the Vice President, the lead cheerleader of the war. The Constitution gave Congress the power to impeach. Congress must use its power to restrain the Administration and impeach the Vice President before he prods the United States into another war.”
On April 24, 2007, Kucinich introduced H. Res. 333, the Articles of Impeachment against the Vice President. The first two charges focus on the Vice President’s successful effort to mislead the Congress and American public into a war against Iraq. The last charge focuses upon the Vice President’s determination to again mislead the Congress and American public into a war, this one against Iran. “H. Res. 333 has been before the House of Representatives for half a year and has 21 cosponsors. At the same time, the Vice President has escalated his belligerence towards Iran. Thus, I believe it is now urgent to move the impeachment resolution,” Kucinich concluded.
The 21 cosponsors of H. Res. 333 are: Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Robert Brady (D-PA), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), William Lacy Clay (D-MO), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Sam Farr (D-CA), Bob Filner (D-CA), Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), Henry Johnson (D-GA), Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-MI), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Jim McDermott (D-WA), James Moran (D-VA), Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Edolphus Towns (D-NY), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Diane Watson (D-CA), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Albert Wynn (D-MD).
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Palestine Center Annual Conference
The Palestine Center invites you to the 2007 Annual Conference"The 'Politicide' of the Palestinian People"
Friday, November 2, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Keynote Speaker: Professor Bashir Abu-Manneh, Assistant Professor of English, Barnard College, New York
To view the conference agenda and list of panelists, please visit 2007 Annual Conference webpage.To register, go to Registration webpage. Attendance is by pre-registration only. Guests without registration confirmations will not be admitted. Directions and Parking Information
Friday, November 2, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Keynote Speaker: Professor Bashir Abu-Manneh, Assistant Professor of English, Barnard College, New York
To view the conference agenda and list of panelists, please visit 2007 Annual Conference webpage.To register, go to Registration webpage. Attendance is by pre-registration only. Guests without registration confirmations will not be admitted. Directions and Parking Information
ADC Opposes AG Nominee
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) announced its opposition to the nomination of Judge Michael B. Mukasey to be the next US Attorney General. The decision came as a result of Judge Mukasey's written response to questions posed to him by members of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary concerning a torture technique known as, "waterboarding." In a written response, Mukasey expressed his personal disdain for waterboarding but was uncertain as to whether it violated US laws on torture. The technique is used to simulate drowning and is used to coerce confessions or intimidate a suspect. All four currently serving Judge Advocate Generals for the armed forces are on the record in qualifying waterboarding as torture and constituting a war crime.
ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora said, "The Attorney General is the nation's chief law enforcement officer and is tasked with the application of the fair and proper rule of law in the United States. The nation's attorney general must be able to maintain the delicate balance between national security and individual liberties and rights," Shora said, "Judge Mukasey's hesitancy on this matter may foreshadow a possible inability or unwillingness to enforce the rule of law, including that of our Constitution and international legal standards, on controversial policies that have included torture used in the name of national security."
Muskasey was nominated by President Bush to replace former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) announced that the committee will meet on November 5 to vote on Mukasey's nomination.
Of additional concern to ADC are public statements made by Judge Mukasey that civil liberties could be set aside for the sake of national security issues, expressing his doubt as to whether non-citizens in US custody should enjoy the protection of the US Constitution and also advocating for the creation of separate national security courts to hear terrorism related cases. The combination of the above statements with his answers before the committee is of grave concern. Because of these concerns, ADC opposes the nomination of Michael Mukasey to be the next Attorney General.
ADC encourages members to contact both of their senators and ask them to oppose the nomination of Michael Mukasey for US Attorney General. Contact them directly using the following website: http://capwiz.com/adc/dbq/officials/
ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora said, "The Attorney General is the nation's chief law enforcement officer and is tasked with the application of the fair and proper rule of law in the United States. The nation's attorney general must be able to maintain the delicate balance between national security and individual liberties and rights," Shora said, "Judge Mukasey's hesitancy on this matter may foreshadow a possible inability or unwillingness to enforce the rule of law, including that of our Constitution and international legal standards, on controversial policies that have included torture used in the name of national security."
Muskasey was nominated by President Bush to replace former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) announced that the committee will meet on November 5 to vote on Mukasey's nomination.
Of additional concern to ADC are public statements made by Judge Mukasey that civil liberties could be set aside for the sake of national security issues, expressing his doubt as to whether non-citizens in US custody should enjoy the protection of the US Constitution and also advocating for the creation of separate national security courts to hear terrorism related cases. The combination of the above statements with his answers before the committee is of grave concern. Because of these concerns, ADC opposes the nomination of Michael Mukasey to be the next Attorney General.
ADC encourages members to contact both of their senators and ask them to oppose the nomination of Michael Mukasey for US Attorney General. Contact them directly using the following website: http://capwiz.com/adc/dbq/officials/
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
An American Conversation with James Zogby
Thursday, November 8, 7:00 p.m.
National Archives' William G. McGowan Theater
Please use the Special Events entrance located on Constitution Ave., NW at 7th St.
AAI is pleased to announce that the National Archives has designated November as National Arab American Heritage Month.
Planned activities include a conversation between AAI President James Zogby and Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States. Part of the National Archives' American Conversations series, their discussion will focus on the Arab American experience - our heritage, our political engagement, our future.
At noon on November 8, Dr. Zogby will introduce the documentary film Out of Place: Memories of Edward Said , being screened at the William G. McGowan Theater. The documentary traces the life and work of Palestinian-born intellectual Edward Said (1935-2003), who wrote widely on history, literature, music, philosophy, and politics. (140 minutes. In English, Arabic, and Hebrew with English subtitles.)
Reservations are not required, but seating is limited.
National Archives' William G. McGowan Theater
Please use the Special Events entrance located on Constitution Ave., NW at 7th St.
AAI is pleased to announce that the National Archives has designated November as National Arab American Heritage Month.
Planned activities include a conversation between AAI President James Zogby and Allen Weinstein, Archivist of the United States. Part of the National Archives' American Conversations series, their discussion will focus on the Arab American experience - our heritage, our political engagement, our future.
At noon on November 8, Dr. Zogby will introduce the documentary film Out of Place: Memories of Edward Said , being screened at the William G. McGowan Theater. The documentary traces the life and work of Palestinian-born intellectual Edward Said (1935-2003), who wrote widely on history, literature, music, philosophy, and politics. (140 minutes. In English, Arabic, and Hebrew with English subtitles.)
Reservations are not required, but seating is limited.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Arabian Sights Film Festival
October 26 through November 4
AMC Loews Dupont Circle 5
1340 19th St., NW.
Washington, DC
The Eleventh Annual Arabian Sights Film Festival offers a diverse selection of the newest, most provocative, and inspiring films from today's Arab world. These films show the range and commitment of directors, several of whom will be present at their screenings, who invariably manage to tell moving stories while exploring issues facing their region. All films will be screened with English subtitles. An Audience Award for favorite film will be presented. All films are screened with English subtitles.
Tickets for each show are $9.00 and may be purchased at the theater starting one hour before the first show. A special film festival package of 10 tickets is available for $81.00
www.filmfestdc.org or call 202.724.5613
6:30pm: Beirut Diaries shown with After Shave
6:30pm: Zaina: Rider of the Atlas
8:30pm: Kicks
8:45pm: Downtown Girls
4:00pm: Short Cuts
6:00pm: Downtown Girls
6:30pm: Kicks
8:00pm: Zaina: Rider of the Atlas
8:30pm: Beirut Diaries shown with After Shave
6:30pm: Operation Filmmaker
6:30pm: VHS Kahloucha (Tarzan of the Arabs)
8:30pm: Making Of
8:45pm: Driving to Zigzigland
4:30pm: Driving to Zigzigland
6:30pm: Al Boum
7:00pm: Reel Bad Arabs
9:00pm: Cut & Paste
9:00pm: Operation Filmmaker
4:15pm: Short Cuts
6:00pm: Making Of
6:30pm: Cut & Paste
8:15pm: VHS Kahloucha (Tarzan of the Arabs)
8:30pm: Al Boum
AMC Loews Dupont Circle 5
1340 19th St., NW.
Washington, DC
The Eleventh Annual Arabian Sights Film Festival offers a diverse selection of the newest, most provocative, and inspiring films from today's Arab world. These films show the range and commitment of directors, several of whom will be present at their screenings, who invariably manage to tell moving stories while exploring issues facing their region. All films will be screened with English subtitles. An Audience Award for favorite film will be presented. All films are screened with English subtitles.
Tickets for each show are $9.00 and may be purchased at the theater starting one hour before the first show. A special film festival package of 10 tickets is available for $81.00
www.filmfestdc.org or call 202.724.5613
6:30pm: Beirut Diaries shown with After Shave
6:30pm: Zaina: Rider of the Atlas
8:30pm: Kicks
8:45pm: Downtown Girls
4:00pm: Short Cuts
6:00pm: Downtown Girls
6:30pm: Kicks
8:00pm: Zaina: Rider of the Atlas
8:30pm: Beirut Diaries shown with After Shave
6:30pm: Operation Filmmaker
6:30pm: VHS Kahloucha (Tarzan of the Arabs)
8:30pm: Making Of
8:45pm: Driving to Zigzigland
4:30pm: Driving to Zigzigland
6:30pm: Al Boum
7:00pm: Reel Bad Arabs
9:00pm: Cut & Paste
9:00pm: Operation Filmmaker
4:15pm: Short Cuts
6:00pm: Making Of
6:30pm: Cut & Paste
8:15pm: VHS Kahloucha (Tarzan of the Arabs)
8:30pm: Al Boum
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is recruiting Legal Associates
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), which is non-sectarian and non-partisan, is the largest Arab American grassroots organization is the United States. It was founded in 1980 and has chapters nationwide. Through its Legal Department, ADC offers counseling in cases of discrimination and defamation and selected impact litigation in the areas of immigration.
DUTIES: Interns are responsible for their own cases under the direct supervision of the ADC attorneys. Cases involve employment discrimination, immigration, airline discrimination, hate crimes, educational discrimination, public accommodation, housing, freedom of speech. Interns also represent the organization at various meetings and conferences with civil rights, human rights, as well as federal agencies and departments. In addition, ADC Summer Legal Associates are required to write a twenty-page law review style paper related to the issues that ADC handles, and conduct a thirty-minute presentation of their paper.
PREFERRED COURSEWORK: Constitutional law or seminar, employment law, immigration law and clinic experience, international law, other constitutional law seminars, legislative law, criminal law, torts.
APPLICATION MATERIALS: Please mail or e-mail your resume, cover letter, two references, writing sample, and transcript by December 1.
CONTACT:Tony KutayliIntern Coordinator
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
1732 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20007
DUTIES: Interns are responsible for their own cases under the direct supervision of the ADC attorneys. Cases involve employment discrimination, immigration, airline discrimination, hate crimes, educational discrimination, public accommodation, housing, freedom of speech. Interns also represent the organization at various meetings and conferences with civil rights, human rights, as well as federal agencies and departments. In addition, ADC Summer Legal Associates are required to write a twenty-page law review style paper related to the issues that ADC handles, and conduct a thirty-minute presentation of their paper.
PREFERRED COURSEWORK: Constitutional law or seminar, employment law, immigration law and clinic experience, international law, other constitutional law seminars, legislative law, criminal law, torts.
APPLICATION MATERIALS: Please mail or e-mail your resume, cover letter, two references, writing sample, and transcript by December 1.
CONTACT:Tony KutayliIntern Coordinator
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
1732 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20007
Peace Cafe: Combatants for Peace
Sunday, October 28
9:30 a.m. to11:30 a.m.
Busboys and Poets
2021 14th St, NW
Washington DC
Combatants for Peace is a group of Israeli and Palestinian individuals who were actively involved in the cycle of violence. The Israelis served as combat soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces and the Palestinians were involved in acts of violence in the name of Palestinian liberation. They used weapons against one another and looked at each other only through weapon sights.
Today, they cooperate and commit to the following:
1. We no longer believe that the conflict can be resolved through violence.
2. We believe that the bloodshed will not end unless we act together to terminate the occupation and stop all forms of violence.
3. We call for the establishment of a Palestinian State alongside the State of Israel. The two states can exist in peace and security beside each other.
4. We will use only non-violent means to achieve our goals and call for both societies to end violence.
9:30 a.m. to11:30 a.m.
Busboys and Poets
2021 14th St, NW
Washington DC
Combatants for Peace is a group of Israeli and Palestinian individuals who were actively involved in the cycle of violence. The Israelis served as combat soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces and the Palestinians were involved in acts of violence in the name of Palestinian liberation. They used weapons against one another and looked at each other only through weapon sights.
Today, they cooperate and commit to the following:
1. We no longer believe that the conflict can be resolved through violence.
2. We believe that the bloodshed will not end unless we act together to terminate the occupation and stop all forms of violence.
3. We call for the establishment of a Palestinian State alongside the State of Israel. The two states can exist in peace and security beside each other.
4. We will use only non-violent means to achieve our goals and call for both societies to end violence.
Book Party
Joel Kovel, Overcoming Zionism and Kathy Engel, co-editor Poems of Palestine and Lebanon
Saturday, November 3
9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
National Lawyers Guild Convention
Holiday Inn on the Hill
415 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
Overcoming Zionism examines the foundations of the Zionist movement, the Zionist settlement of Palestine, the founding of Israel as a Jewish state, the expulsion of the Palestinian population, the conquest and occupation of the West Bank and Gaza territories by Israel, the Palestinian resistance, the degradation of the environment in Israel and the occupied territories, and the past and current efforts to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
We Begin Here: Poems for Palestine and Lebanon contains poems written in response to the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon together with new ones rising from the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon. Following a great tradition of poetry throughout history, this book shows the vast conscience and lyrical spirit of resistance on the part of poets in support of the dignity, rights, and humanity of the Palestinian and Lebanese people.
Saturday, November 3
9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
National Lawyers Guild Convention
Holiday Inn on the Hill
415 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
Overcoming Zionism examines the foundations of the Zionist movement, the Zionist settlement of Palestine, the founding of Israel as a Jewish state, the expulsion of the Palestinian population, the conquest and occupation of the West Bank and Gaza territories by Israel, the Palestinian resistance, the degradation of the environment in Israel and the occupied territories, and the past and current efforts to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
We Begin Here: Poems for Palestine and Lebanon contains poems written in response to the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon together with new ones rising from the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon. Following a great tradition of poetry throughout history, this book shows the vast conscience and lyrical spirit of resistance on the part of poets in support of the dignity, rights, and humanity of the Palestinian and Lebanese people.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
You’re Going to Eat Well This Weekend
Take a break from the election season and head over to Maryland
24th Annual Fall Bazaar
Saints Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church10620 River Road
Potomac, Maryland
Kibbee, Tabboule, Hummos, Spinach Pies, Gyros and More!
Live music on Friday and Saturday evenings
October 19-20-21
Friday from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
Saturday from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
Sunday from noon to 6:00 pm
Pastry booth, grocery store, arts & crafts, jewelry, raffles, religious items, used book nook, kids’ corner and more!
From the Beltway (495) take River Road exit towards Potomac, then 3/4 mile past the intersection of River Road and Falls Road (Potomac Village) to the Church on the left side of River Road
24th Annual Fall Bazaar
Saints Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church10620 River Road
Potomac, Maryland
Kibbee, Tabboule, Hummos, Spinach Pies, Gyros and More!
Live music on Friday and Saturday evenings
October 19-20-21
Friday from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
Saturday from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
Sunday from noon to 6:00 pm
Pastry booth, grocery store, arts & crafts, jewelry, raffles, religious items, used book nook, kids’ corner and more!
From the Beltway (495) take River Road exit towards Potomac, then 3/4 mile past the intersection of River Road and Falls Road (Potomac Village) to the Church on the left side of River Road
Thursday, October 11, 2007
One Million Voices

Imagine... if one million people demanded an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with one voice.
On October 18, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world will unite for the OneVoice Summit – an unprecedented mobilization of moderate voices to achieve a two state solution that fulfills the overdue aspirations of the Palestinian and Israeli people to end the occupation, to end all forms of violence, to permanently end the conflict, and achieve international recognition, respect, peace, and prosperity.
You can be a part of it.
You must be a part of it!
October 18, 2007, noon to 3:00pm
The Capitol West Front Lawn at First Street, Washington
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Palestine Children's Relief Fund's2007 Benefit Luncheon
ealing Hands Across the Seas
1:30pm, Sunday, October 21
Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor Hotel
300 Light Street
Please join us at this year's PCRF benefit luncheon to raise funds for critical medical relief projects benefiting Palestinian children.
Esteemed guest speakers include: His Excellency Afif Safieh, Keynote Speaker, Ambassador of the Palestine Liberation Organization to the United States
Steve Sosebee, President and CEO, The Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Dr. Mazen Bedri, Johns Hopkins Hospital
$65.00 per ticket
No tickets will be available at the door. Reservations must be received by October 12. To reserve tickets please call 202.641.3195 or email pcrf.baltimore@gmail.com
1:30pm, Sunday, October 21
Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor Hotel
300 Light Street
Please join us at this year's PCRF benefit luncheon to raise funds for critical medical relief projects benefiting Palestinian children.
Esteemed guest speakers include: His Excellency Afif Safieh, Keynote Speaker, Ambassador of the Palestine Liberation Organization to the United States
Steve Sosebee, President and CEO, The Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Dr. Mazen Bedri, Johns Hopkins Hospital
$65.00 per ticket
No tickets will be available at the door. Reservations must be received by October 12. To reserve tickets please call 202.641.3195 or email pcrf.baltimore@gmail.com
Implanting Hope: The Environmental Consequences of the 2006 Lebanon War
Friday, October 19 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
The Palestine Center
Israel's 2006 bombardment of Lebanon had significant environmental effects on the country and put the public health at risk. How are the Lebanese dealing with environmental concerns, such as air pollution from the targeting of fuel-storage tanks, the impact of the massive cluster bomb contamination and Marine and costal pollution?
Dr. Rania Masri is an assistant professor of environmental science at the University of Balamand, Lebanon. She is a regular commentator in Al-Adab magazine. Her column is entitled Towards a Progressive Environment. Before moving to Lebanon in 2005, Dr. Masri was the director of the Southern Peace Research and Education Center at the Institute for Southern Studies in North Carolina.
Dr. Samah Idriss has been editor-in-chief of Al-Adab magazine in Beirut since 1992.
This briefing is free and open to the public.
Registration is required. Unregistered guests will not be admitted. To register, send the name of the event, your name, affiliation and contact information to rsvp@palestinecenter.org or call 202.338.1958 ext.11 by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, 18 October.
The Palestine Center
Israel's 2006 bombardment of Lebanon had significant environmental effects on the country and put the public health at risk. How are the Lebanese dealing with environmental concerns, such as air pollution from the targeting of fuel-storage tanks, the impact of the massive cluster bomb contamination and Marine and costal pollution?
Dr. Rania Masri is an assistant professor of environmental science at the University of Balamand, Lebanon. She is a regular commentator in Al-Adab magazine. Her column is entitled Towards a Progressive Environment. Before moving to Lebanon in 2005, Dr. Masri was the director of the Southern Peace Research and Education Center at the Institute for Southern Studies in North Carolina.
Dr. Samah Idriss has been editor-in-chief of Al-Adab magazine in Beirut since 1992.
This briefing is free and open to the public.
Registration is required. Unregistered guests will not be admitted. To register, send the name of the event, your name, affiliation and contact information to rsvp@palestinecenter.org or call 202.338.1958 ext.11 by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, 18 October.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Rene Moawad Foundation (RMF-USA) 14th Annual Washington Gala Dinner
The RMF-USA will hold its 14th Annual Benefit Gala on Saturday, October 20 at the Ritz Carlton in Pentagon City, Virginia.
This program honors the Partnership for Lebanon and Mr. Fuad El-Hibri and features Lebanese fashion designer Jean Fares.
Since its creation in 1993, RMF-USA has succeeded in assembling a large number of Americans, united by a common will of promoting peace and stability in Lebanon through development.
H.E. Nayla Moawad, Founder and Honorary President of the RMF, former First Lady of Lebanon, and a current Minister of Social Affairs, will travel to the US especially for this occasion.
The evening will also feature a fashion show by the renowned Lebanese Fashion designer Jean Fares.
RMF-USA was established in 1993 in Washington, DC as a non-profit (501)(c)(3) organization with an independent board to expand RMF-Lebanon’s activities and diversify its sources of funding and support. RMF is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political and non-sectarain organization with a main objective of promoting the social, economic, and rural development of Lebanon. For further information please call the RMF at 202.338.3535 or e-mail to rmf@dc.net
This program honors the Partnership for Lebanon and Mr. Fuad El-Hibri and features Lebanese fashion designer Jean Fares.
Since its creation in 1993, RMF-USA has succeeded in assembling a large number of Americans, united by a common will of promoting peace and stability in Lebanon through development.
H.E. Nayla Moawad, Founder and Honorary President of the RMF, former First Lady of Lebanon, and a current Minister of Social Affairs, will travel to the US especially for this occasion.
The evening will also feature a fashion show by the renowned Lebanese Fashion designer Jean Fares.
RMF-USA was established in 1993 in Washington, DC as a non-profit (501)(c)(3) organization with an independent board to expand RMF-Lebanon’s activities and diversify its sources of funding and support. RMF is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political and non-sectarain organization with a main objective of promoting the social, economic, and rural development of Lebanon. For further information please call the RMF at 202.338.3535 or e-mail to rmf@dc.net
The 'Politicide' of the Palestinian People
Friday, November 2
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Keynote Speaker - Professor Bashir Abu-Manneh, Assistant Professor of English, Barnard College, New York
To view the conference agenda and list of panelists, please visit 2007 Annual Conference webpage. To register, go to Registration webpage.
Attendance is by pre-registration only. Guests without registration confirmations will not be admitted. Please register early as registration may be cut off due to space limitation
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Keynote Speaker - Professor Bashir Abu-Manneh, Assistant Professor of English, Barnard College, New York
To view the conference agenda and list of panelists, please visit 2007 Annual Conference webpage. To register, go to Registration webpage.
Attendance is by pre-registration only. Guests without registration confirmations will not be admitted. Please register early as registration may be cut off due to space limitation
Rediscovering the Arab World
The Mosaic Foundation invites you to a lecture by Dr. Shadia Touqan
The Foundation's lecture series "Rediscovering the Arab World" continues with a lecture by Dr. Shadia Touqan on "Heritage Preservation and Regeneration in the Old City of Jerusalem".
Wednesday, October 24
Registration: 12:00 - 12:30
Lecture: 12:30 - 2:00
National Geographic Society
Grosvenor Auditorium
1145 17th Street, NW
RSVP - Tickets are free, but reservations are necessary. Please e-mail the Mosaic Foundation or call 202.3858.0000.
The Foundation's lecture series "Rediscovering the Arab World" continues with a lecture by Dr. Shadia Touqan on "Heritage Preservation and Regeneration in the Old City of Jerusalem".
Wednesday, October 24
Registration: 12:00 - 12:30
Lecture: 12:30 - 2:00
National Geographic Society
Grosvenor Auditorium
1145 17th Street, NW
RSVP - Tickets are free, but reservations are necessary. Please e-mail the Mosaic Foundation or call 202.3858.0000.
International Conference on the Plight of the Palestinians
The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) is hosting its 9th Annual International Conference on October 26 and 27 with the theme: “To Walk the Path of Peace.” This vital conference will
· Bring greater awareness to the plight of Palestinians under occupation, with a special focus on the political, socioeconomic, psychological, and religious difficulties facing the Christian community;
· Examine Christianity in the Holy Land, as an Arab and an Islamic necessity that must be assumed;
· Shed light on the Christian presence in the Holy Land as a catalyst for a healing process that would bring together the Palestinian patrimony and as a vital force for democracy, human values, and peace; and
· Suggest ways by which American in the United States can aid and provide hope to our Sisters and Brothers in the Holy Land.
A distinguished group of speakers and panelists has been assembled to discuss the difficult situation in the Holy Land from multiple perspectives. Among the highlights are:
· Five mayors from the West Bank will discuss the economic realities imposed by the Israeli settlements, checkpoints, and wall of separation on their municipalities.
· The Ambassador of Jordan and the Head of the PLO U.S. Mission will discuss the important role Christians play in civic positions in Jordan and Palestine and how their contributions can be catalysts toward reconciliation and peace.
· Are Christians obligated to support Israel? Distinguished academic scholars will explore the different theological perspectives of Christian Zionism and its impact on the current events.
· A panel of three female peace activists -one Israeli Jew, one Palestinian Christian, and one Palestinian Muslim will share their joint vision for bringing about a just and peaceful resolution to the conflicts in the Holy Land.
Dr. Marwan Muasher, Senior Vice President for External Affairs of the World Bank, will receive the first “Path of Peace” Award. Dr. Muasher, a distinguished Jordanian public servant, will be recognized for his significant contributions to peace in the Middle East.
Ambassador Afif Safieh, Representative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the United States, will deliver the keynote address. He will examine the Palestinian situation and the upcoming Middle East peace meeting in November.
· Bring greater awareness to the plight of Palestinians under occupation, with a special focus on the political, socioeconomic, psychological, and religious difficulties facing the Christian community;
· Examine Christianity in the Holy Land, as an Arab and an Islamic necessity that must be assumed;
· Shed light on the Christian presence in the Holy Land as a catalyst for a healing process that would bring together the Palestinian patrimony and as a vital force for democracy, human values, and peace; and
· Suggest ways by which American in the United States can aid and provide hope to our Sisters and Brothers in the Holy Land.
A distinguished group of speakers and panelists has been assembled to discuss the difficult situation in the Holy Land from multiple perspectives. Among the highlights are:
· Five mayors from the West Bank will discuss the economic realities imposed by the Israeli settlements, checkpoints, and wall of separation on their municipalities.
· The Ambassador of Jordan and the Head of the PLO U.S. Mission will discuss the important role Christians play in civic positions in Jordan and Palestine and how their contributions can be catalysts toward reconciliation and peace.
· Are Christians obligated to support Israel? Distinguished academic scholars will explore the different theological perspectives of Christian Zionism and its impact on the current events.
· A panel of three female peace activists -one Israeli Jew, one Palestinian Christian, and one Palestinian Muslim will share their joint vision for bringing about a just and peaceful resolution to the conflicts in the Holy Land.
Dr. Marwan Muasher, Senior Vice President for External Affairs of the World Bank, will receive the first “Path of Peace” Award. Dr. Muasher, a distinguished Jordanian public servant, will be recognized for his significant contributions to peace in the Middle East.
Ambassador Afif Safieh, Representative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the United States, will deliver the keynote address. He will examine the Palestinian situation and the upcoming Middle East peace meeting in November.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Ramadan Greeting From Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine
Virginia Governor Tim Kaine issued a Ramadan greeting. You can read the entire message at: http://www.ndpac.org/ramadan_greeting.pdf
Monday, October 1, 2007
Marcel Khalife and the Mayadine Ensemble
The Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University and The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development proudly present:
Marcel Khalifé and the Mayadine Ensemble
7:30 p.m., November 1 and 2, 2007
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Terrace Theater
Tickets: $20, $35, $50.
Named UNESCO Artist for Peace in 2005, Lebanese composer, oud master, and singer Marcel Khalifé is one of the world's leading Arab musicians. Performing his critically acclaimed new work "Taqasim" (Improvisations), as well as works from his old and new lyrical repertoire, Khalifé is accompanied by Rami Khalifé on piano, Peter Herbert on bass, and Bachar Khalifé on percussion. In his association with great contemporary Arab poets, particularly Palestinian poet par excellence, Mahmoud Darwish, Khalifé seeks to renew the character of the Arabic song, to break its stereotypes, and to advance the culture of the society that surrounds it. On his journey, Marcel Khalifé invents and creates original music, a novel world of sounds, freed of all established rules. This language elevates him to the level of an ambassador of his own culture and to the vanguard of Near Eastern music innovators.
Tickets can be purchased at:
The Kennedy Center Box Office
2700 F St., NW, Washington, DC 20566
Box Office Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Sundays and holidays, noon–9 p.m.
By Phone: 202.467.4600 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
Toll-free (800) 444-1324, TTY (202) 416-8524
Marcel Khalifé and the Mayadine Ensemble
7:30 p.m., November 1 and 2, 2007
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Terrace Theater
Tickets: $20, $35, $50.
Named UNESCO Artist for Peace in 2005, Lebanese composer, oud master, and singer Marcel Khalifé is one of the world's leading Arab musicians. Performing his critically acclaimed new work "Taqasim" (Improvisations), as well as works from his old and new lyrical repertoire, Khalifé is accompanied by Rami Khalifé on piano, Peter Herbert on bass, and Bachar Khalifé on percussion. In his association with great contemporary Arab poets, particularly Palestinian poet par excellence, Mahmoud Darwish, Khalifé seeks to renew the character of the Arabic song, to break its stereotypes, and to advance the culture of the society that surrounds it. On his journey, Marcel Khalifé invents and creates original music, a novel world of sounds, freed of all established rules. This language elevates him to the level of an ambassador of his own culture and to the vanguard of Near Eastern music innovators.
Tickets can be purchased at:
The Kennedy Center Box Office
2700 F St., NW, Washington, DC 20566
Box Office Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10 a.m.–9 p.m. Sundays and holidays, noon–9 p.m.
By Phone: 202.467.4600 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
Toll-free (800) 444-1324, TTY (202) 416-8524
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Washington DC Area Chapter (ADC-DC) and The Network of Arab-American Professionals (NAAP-DC) Washington, DC Chapter are hosting a Ramadan Iftar.
6:30, Thursday October 4,
Jerusalem Restaurant in the Mount of Olives Center
3405 Payne StreetFalls Church, VA 22041
Admission: $15/Person and $10/Children under 10
Space is limited, so please make sure you RSVP to adcdcarea@yahoo.com today
6:30, Thursday October 4,
Jerusalem Restaurant in the Mount of Olives Center
3405 Payne StreetFalls Church, VA 22041
Admission: $15/Person and $10/Children under 10
Space is limited, so please make sure you RSVP to adcdcarea@yahoo.com today
Georgetown Book Signing
The Georgetown University Center for Contemporary Arab Studies and the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee cordially invite you to Swimming Up the Tigris: Real Life Encounters with Iraq - a book signing and discussion with Dr. Barbara Nimri Aziz
Thursday, October 4 @ 1:00
CCAS Boardroom (ICC241)
Thursday, October 4 @ 1:00
CCAS Boardroom (ICC241)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
End the Occupation
Join the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Students for Justice in Palestine at George Mason University for the US Campaign's 6th Annual National Organizers' Conference
George Mason University
Arlington, Virginia
Friday, September 7 to Monday, September 10
George Mason University
Arlington, Virginia
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Candidates' Night - Who Needs Tickets!
The Northern Virginia Arab American Democratic Caucus, the Northern Virginia Arab American Republican Caucus, and the Arab American Institute cordially invite you to attend our 19th annual Virginia Candidates’ Night and Iftar!
Sunday, September 23 from 6:30 to 9:00
Tyson’s Corner Marriott
8020 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA
Hear from 2007 state & local candidates! Raise issues of concern to the Arab American community!
Invited candidates include Northern Virginia state and local candidates from the Democratic and Republican Parties
Individual ticket: $45(includes dinner)
Reserved Table: $450 (10 dinner tickets)
Patron Table: $650 (10 dinner tickets)
Benefactor Table: $1,000 (9 dinner tickets) Elected Officials/Candidates/Party Officials will be seated at these tables first.
Last year, we sold out the event. This year, all tickets will be sold by September 17.. There will be no exceptions. Don’t get shut out. Send me an e-mail now if you want tickets. saratogademocrat@yahoo.com
Sunday, September 23 from 6:30 to 9:00
Tyson’s Corner Marriott
8020 Leesburg Pike
Vienna, VA
Hear from 2007 state & local candidates! Raise issues of concern to the Arab American community!
Invited candidates include Northern Virginia state and local candidates from the Democratic and Republican Parties
Individual ticket: $45(includes dinner)
Reserved Table: $450 (10 dinner tickets)
Patron Table: $650 (10 dinner tickets)
Benefactor Table: $1,000 (9 dinner tickets) Elected Officials/Candidates/Party Officials will be seated at these tables first.
Last year, we sold out the event. This year, all tickets will be sold by September 17.. There will be no exceptions. Don’t get shut out. Send me an e-mail now if you want tickets. saratogademocrat@yahoo.com
Monday, August 20, 2007
Implications of Recent Immigration Resolutions
Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross conducts a monthly program of interest to the new American community. Kaleidoscope is a wonderful program to hear about issues affecting our community. This month’s topic is Implications of Recent Immigration Resolutions, Part 2: What two suggestions would you make in a Guide for Newcomers?
Wednesday, August 29 from 5:30 to 7:00
Mason District Governmental Center
6507 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA
Contact: Fran Tunick in the Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross
Tel. 703-256-7717
Wednesday, August 29 from 5:30 to 7:00
Mason District Governmental Center
6507 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA
Contact: Fran Tunick in the Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross
Tel. 703-256-7717
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Fairfax County Democratic Committee's Diversity Reception
The Fairfax County Democratic Committee's (FCDC) Diversity Committee is sponsoring a Diversity Reception.
Friday, September 14
6:30 to 8:30 PM
Tower Club
8000 Tower Crescent Drive
Tyson's Corner, VA
Please RSVP to Rose Chu, 703,998,5539 fc4018@iname.com
Meet with our elected officials and candidates. Our elected officials in Fairfax County are hosting the event. FCDC members are asked to pay $50. Non-FCDC members are invited free of charge with RSVP (although contributions always welcome.)
Friday, September 14
6:30 to 8:30 PM
Tower Club
8000 Tower Crescent Drive
Tyson's Corner, VA
Please RSVP to Rose Chu, 703,998,5539 fc4018@iname.com
Meet with our elected officials and candidates. Our elected officials in Fairfax County are hosting the event. FCDC members are asked to pay $50. Non-FCDC members are invited free of charge with RSVP (although contributions always welcome.)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
AAHC Vacancy
The American Arab Heritage Council (AAHC) in Flint, Michigan is hiring an Executive Director. Click here for the details.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Democratic Presidential Debate Party
Busboys and Poets
2021 14th St. NW, Washington
Metro: Cardoza Station (Green Line)
Sunday, August 19, 2:00 to 5:00
$20 includes buffet, specials on Mimosas and Bloody Marys, a presidential preference straw poll, and a raffle for dinner for two at Bus Boys and Poets
Funds will be used for DC DSC DNC Convention expenses
For more information contact erika@democraticlawyers.org
Sponsored by: Andy Shallal, Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) Democratic Caucus, Ward 2 Democrats, Councilmember Jack Evans, Councilmember Jim Graham and the Ward One Democrats, and the Women's Information Network
2021 14th St. NW, Washington
Metro: Cardoza Station (Green Line)
Sunday, August 19, 2:00 to 5:00
$20 includes buffet, specials on Mimosas and Bloody Marys, a presidential preference straw poll, and a raffle for dinner for two at Bus Boys and Poets
Funds will be used for DC DSC DNC Convention expenses
For more information contact erika@democraticlawyers.org
Sponsored by: Andy Shallal, Gertrude Stein Democratic Club, Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) Democratic Caucus, Ward 2 Democrats, Councilmember Jack Evans, Councilmember Jim Graham and the Ward One Democrats, and the Women's Information Network
Sunday, August 12, 2007
This guy is a hoot! And he lives in Virginia! Does anybody know him?
After you recover from laughing so hard at these videos, check him out at goremy.com
After you recover from laughing so hard at these videos, check him out at goremy.com
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Arab American Institute has three job vacancies. Do you know anybody who would be interested?
Web/Publications Manager
Cultural Outreach Specialist
Michigan Field Coordinator
Web/Publications Manager
Cultural Outreach Specialist
Michigan Field Coordinator

The 13th Annual Arab American Open will be held at Mystic Creek Golf Club, Camp Dearborn, MI. This annual event, sponsored by the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, attracts numerous business and community leaders from throughout the region.
Contact Nasser Beydoun @ 313.945.1700
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Annual Community Picnic
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC Chapter
Sunday, August 26, 12:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Lake Fairfax Park
1400 Lake Fairfax Drive
Reston, Virginia
Picnic Area G under the Green and White Canopy
Rain or Shine!
$15 all you can eat!
Children 5-10 - $5
Children under 5 - Free
Enjoy a full buffet of Arabic food catered through Pasha Market and Catering
•kefta kabab
•baba ghanooj
•corn on the cob
Volleyball, games and more! Lake Fairfax Park offers a water park, canoes, carousel and paddle boats.
Contact the ADC Washington DC Area Chapter to RSVP
ADCDCArea@yahoo.com 703.628.4186
Directions from 495: Take exit 47 A, Route 7 West (Leesburg Pike). Continue approximately 6.5 miles. Turn left on Baron Cameron Ave. Take the second left onto Lake Fairfax Dr. Drive straight into the park and once through the park entrance, turn right. The ADC-DC picnic will be under the green and white canopy in Area G.
Sunday, August 26, 12:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Lake Fairfax Park
1400 Lake Fairfax Drive
Reston, Virginia
Picnic Area G under the Green and White Canopy
Rain or Shine!
$15 all you can eat!
Children 5-10 - $5
Children under 5 - Free
Enjoy a full buffet of Arabic food catered through Pasha Market and Catering
•kefta kabab
•baba ghanooj
•corn on the cob
Volleyball, games and more! Lake Fairfax Park offers a water park, canoes, carousel and paddle boats.
Contact the ADC Washington DC Area Chapter to RSVP
ADCDCArea@yahoo.com 703.628.4186
Directions from 495: Take exit 47 A, Route 7 West (Leesburg Pike). Continue approximately 6.5 miles. Turn left on Baron Cameron Ave. Take the second left onto Lake Fairfax Dr. Drive straight into the park and once through the park entrance, turn right. The ADC-DC picnic will be under the green and white canopy in Area G.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
AAI Candidates' Night
The Arab American Institute will host the annual candidates' night for Northern Virginia Democrats and Repulicans.
Sunday, September 23
Tyson’s Corner Marriott, Virginia
Do you remember last year's event? It was a sell out and we turned people away at the door. With many more candidates this election cycle, we expect that tickets will be harder to come by than in the past. Please contact Maram Abdelhamid at 202.429.9210 for ticket information. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Details to follow.
Sunday, September 23
Tyson’s Corner Marriott, Virginia
Do you remember last year's event? It was a sell out and we turned people away at the door. With many more candidates this election cycle, we expect that tickets will be harder to come by than in the past. Please contact Maram Abdelhamid at 202.429.9210 for ticket information. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Details to follow.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Grassroots Training - Democratic Party of Virginia
Topics to be covered include:
Phone banking - Putting the VAN into Practice
Canvassing - Putting the VAN into Practice
Absentee Ballot Program
Netroots Panel Discussion
Election Protection
'08 Delegate Selection Process
Two Tracks: Rural & Urban/Suburban
Saturday, August 11 at 9:00 AM with registration at 8:30
Comfort Inn Conference Center
3200 Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia
Admission: $10.00 (includes box lunch)
To RSVP please click: Urban/Suburban Track or Rural Track
Phone banking - Putting the VAN into Practice
Canvassing - Putting the VAN into Practice
Absentee Ballot Program
Netroots Panel Discussion
Election Protection
'08 Delegate Selection Process
Two Tracks: Rural & Urban/Suburban
Saturday, August 11 at 9:00 AM with registration at 8:30
Comfort Inn Conference Center
3200 Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia
Admission: $10.00 (includes box lunch)
To RSVP please click: Urban/Suburban Track or Rural Track
Friday, August 3, 2007
AAI Michigan Field Coordinator
The Arab American Institute is accepting resumes for its Michigan Field Coordinator position. The Michigan-based field coordinator will mobilize and coordinate participation of Michigan Arab Americans in AAI programs, including community outreach and visiblity efforts in relation to the AAI's National Leadership Conference in October 2007 and AAI organizing efforts surrounding the 2008 presidential primary and general election campaigns.
Feel free to forward this announcement to anyone you know who might be interested in the position. To apply, please send cover letter, resume, and names and contact info of potential references by Wednesday, August 8 to AAI Director of Community Relations Valerie Smith at vsmith@aaiusa.org or 1600 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006.
Feel free to forward this announcement to anyone you know who might be interested in the position. To apply, please send cover letter, resume, and names and contact info of potential references by Wednesday, August 8 to AAI Director of Community Relations Valerie Smith at vsmith@aaiusa.org or 1600 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006.
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Friday, September 7 through Monday, September 10
George Mason University, Arlington Campus, Arlington, VA
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
100 Days Until Election Day
Join Governor Tim Kaine for a summer celebration of only 100 days until the election.
Saturday, July 28 from 5:00 to 7:30
1575 Anderson Road
McLean, VA
Yalla, let's show up in big numbers!
Saturday, July 28 from 5:00 to 7:30
1575 Anderson Road
McLean, VA
Yalla, let's show up in big numbers!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross (Fairfax County) has a teriffic monthly program on issues of interest to the New American community. I've been and I can tell you that her programs are just about the best thing going. She brings in speakers to take on the issues other government leaders just don't tackle.
Up next:
Implications of Recent Immigration Resolutions with Charles A. Tievsky, Esq.
Wednesday, July 25, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Mason District Governmental Center
6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA
Contact: Fran Tunick
Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross
Up next:
Implications of Recent Immigration Resolutions with Charles A. Tievsky, Esq.
Wednesday, July 25, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Mason District Governmental Center
6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA
Contact: Fran Tunick
Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Future Agents In Training
The FBI is seeking 15 Middle Eastern high school students to participate in a 5 day "Future Agents In Training" youth camp this August 13 - 17.
If you know Arab American high school students who would enjoy solving crimes and has a desire to serve our country, this free program, in which participants solve an FBI bank robbery, could be a great experience for them. Having students from our community participating would certainly be good for the trainers and the other "Future Agents In Training".
The original deadline to apply was today, but the Recruitment Program manager offered to extend it to the end of the week for any applicants we can help recruit from our community.
Requirements: Students must be a U.S. citizen, 16-18 years of age, be enrolled in an accredited high school, have a grade point average of at least a 2.5, pass a limited background check, and pepare a 500 word essay about why they want to particiapte in the program. Please contact Valerie Smith from the AAI if you know of anyone interested and she will get them in touch with the right folks.
Valerie Smith, Director of Community Relations
Arab American Institute
1600 K St NW, Suite 601
Washington DC 20006
phone: 202.429.9210 x14
fax: 202.4299214
e-mail: vsmith@aaiusa.org
If you know Arab American high school students who would enjoy solving crimes and has a desire to serve our country, this free program, in which participants solve an FBI bank robbery, could be a great experience for them. Having students from our community participating would certainly be good for the trainers and the other "Future Agents In Training".
The original deadline to apply was today, but the Recruitment Program manager offered to extend it to the end of the week for any applicants we can help recruit from our community.
Requirements: Students must be a U.S. citizen, 16-18 years of age, be enrolled in an accredited high school, have a grade point average of at least a 2.5, pass a limited background check, and pepare a 500 word essay about why they want to particiapte in the program. Please contact Valerie Smith from the AAI if you know of anyone interested and she will get them in touch with the right folks.
Valerie Smith, Director of Community Relations
Arab American Institute
1600 K St NW, Suite 601
Washington DC 20006
phone: 202.429.9210 x14
fax: 202.4299214
e-mail: vsmith@aaiusa.org
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Governor Kaine at Mosque Ribbon Cutting
Governor Tim Kaine will deliver the keynote address at the ribbon cutting of Dar Al Noor Mosque.
Sunday, July 15, 4:00 p.m.
Dar Al Noor Mosque
5404 Hoadly Road
Manassas , Virginia
Sunday, July 15, 4:00 p.m.
Dar Al Noor Mosque
5404 Hoadly Road
Manassas , Virginia
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Eyewitness Lebanon: One Year Later
Wednesday, July 18, at 9:30 am
Lisagor Room
National Press Club 529 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20045
As we mark the one-year anniversary of the 2006 summer tragedy in Lebanon, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Research Institute (ADC-RI) will host a panel discussion featuring Arab Americans who were trapped in Lebanon, what they experienced, and how they eventually fled the country. The discussion will include an analysis of the in-depth report entitled, Eyewitness Lebanon, July –August 2006: An International Law Inquiry.
Panel Experts include:
Kareem Shora - ADC National Executive Director
Carol Khawly - ADC Director of Legal Advocacy who was trapped with her children in Lebanon during the Israeli attack
Marty Rosenbluth - Country Specialist for Israel, the Occupied Territories and the Palestinian Authority at Amnesty International USA
Houeida Saad - Editor and Field Researcher of Eyewitness Lebanon; July - August 2006, An International Law Inquiry
Bassem Beaini - 25 year-old Lebanese-American business-owner who was visiting Lebanon and arrived in Beirut a day prior to the Israeli attack.
The report Eyewitness Lebanon, July-August 2006: An International Law Inquiry, is based on extensive research from a wide variety of documented sources and includes first-hand interviews and accounts carried out by ADC-RI during a month-long fact finding mission. The mission was conducted by Arab-American attorney Houeida Saad who will discuss her methods of field research, including what she saw and with whom she spoke to obtain the first-hand information included in the report. The framework for the Report's legal inquiry is international law and international humanitarian law, also known as "the laws of war."
Lisagor Room
National Press Club 529 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20045
As we mark the one-year anniversary of the 2006 summer tragedy in Lebanon, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Research Institute (ADC-RI) will host a panel discussion featuring Arab Americans who were trapped in Lebanon, what they experienced, and how they eventually fled the country. The discussion will include an analysis of the in-depth report entitled, Eyewitness Lebanon, July –August 2006: An International Law Inquiry.
Panel Experts include:
Kareem Shora - ADC National Executive Director
Carol Khawly - ADC Director of Legal Advocacy who was trapped with her children in Lebanon during the Israeli attack
Marty Rosenbluth - Country Specialist for Israel, the Occupied Territories and the Palestinian Authority at Amnesty International USA
Houeida Saad - Editor and Field Researcher of Eyewitness Lebanon; July - August 2006, An International Law Inquiry
Bassem Beaini - 25 year-old Lebanese-American business-owner who was visiting Lebanon and arrived in Beirut a day prior to the Israeli attack.
The report Eyewitness Lebanon, July-August 2006: An International Law Inquiry, is based on extensive research from a wide variety of documented sources and includes first-hand interviews and accounts carried out by ADC-RI during a month-long fact finding mission. The mission was conducted by Arab-American attorney Houeida Saad who will discuss her methods of field research, including what she saw and with whom she spoke to obtain the first-hand information included in the report. The framework for the Report's legal inquiry is international law and international humanitarian law, also known as "the laws of war."
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Voices of Iraqi Workers
2007 Solidarity Tour
Tuesday, June 26, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Westminster Presbyterian Church (the Jazz Church)
400 Eye Street, SW – Waterfront SEU- Metro (Green Line)
Hashmeya Muhsin Hussein, President, Electrical Workers Union; the first woman to lead a national union in Iraq
Faleh Abood Umara, General Secretary, Southern Oil Company Union, Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions
MC: Ron Pinchback, General Manager, Pacifica Radio WPFW, 89.3 FM
Music from Pam Parker, Vocalist and Labor Activist
Find out…..
What conditions for working people are like in Iraq.
How the occupation has affected families and children.
Why unions oppose the oil investment law.
What will happen if the occupation continues.
What will happen if it rapidly ends.
What Iraqi people want to happen.
Whether a peaceful, stable, non-sectarian Iraq is possible.
The program is sponsored by US Labor Against the War, DC Labor for Peace & Justice and the American Friends Service Committee
Contact Denice Lombard at 202/320-5588; denicez@verizon.net, or visit www.uslaboragainstwar.org
Tuesday, June 26, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Westminster Presbyterian Church (the Jazz Church)
400 Eye Street, SW – Waterfront SEU- Metro (Green Line)
Hashmeya Muhsin Hussein, President, Electrical Workers Union; the first woman to lead a national union in Iraq
Faleh Abood Umara, General Secretary, Southern Oil Company Union, Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions
MC: Ron Pinchback, General Manager, Pacifica Radio WPFW, 89.3 FM
Music from Pam Parker, Vocalist and Labor Activist
Find out…..
What conditions for working people are like in Iraq.
How the occupation has affected families and children.
Why unions oppose the oil investment law.
What will happen if the occupation continues.
What will happen if it rapidly ends.
What Iraqi people want to happen.
Whether a peaceful, stable, non-sectarian Iraq is possible.
The program is sponsored by US Labor Against the War, DC Labor for Peace & Justice and the American Friends Service Committee
Contact Denice Lombard at 202/320-5588; denicez@verizon.net, or visit www.uslaboragainstwar.org
NAAP-DC's Annual Picnic
Sunday, June 24, noon to sunset. (Rain date: July 1)
Great Falls Park, Virginia Side. 9200 Old Dominion Dr., McLean, VA. Look for the NAAP Banner!
Great company, great food (grilled by Ramzi and team), volleyball, soccer, Tarneeb, Tabla playing, and many more activities.
$10 dollars, includes all you can eat and drink. Free for children under 12.
Great Falls Park, Virginia Side. 9200 Old Dominion Dr., McLean, VA. Look for the NAAP Banner!
Great company, great food (grilled by Ramzi and team), volleyball, soccer, Tarneeb, Tabla playing, and many more activities.
$10 dollars, includes all you can eat and drink. Free for children under 12.
Capitol Hill Briefing “Palestinian Political Crisis: Opportunity or Abyss?”
The Arab American Institute will host a briefing and discussion on the humanitarian and political crisis in Palestine and on U.S. options moving forward.
Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Room 2255.
Tuesday, June 26, 1:00 to 2:30
The discussion, co-hosted with the Jewish group Americans for Peace Now, will feature Ghaith al-Omari, Daniel Levy and Lamia Matta, all former Palestinian or Israeli government officials and negotiators.
If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please contact Rebecca Abou-Chedid at 202.429.9210 or rabouchedid@aaiusa.org.
Ghaith al-Omari, former foreign policy adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, member of the Palestinian negotiating team during the Camp David summit and the Taba talks, and lead Palestinian drafter of the Geneva Initiative.
Daniel Levy, member of the Israeli delegation to the Taba negotiations in 2001, member of the negotiating team for the “Oslo B” Agreement in 1995 under Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin, and lead Israeli drafter of the Geneva Initiative.
Lamia Matta, former legal adviser at the Negotiations Support Unit in Ramallah and one of the main legal advisers working on coordination with Israel and the international community on the withdrawal of Israeli troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip and parts of the Northern West Bank.
Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, Room 2255.
Tuesday, June 26, 1:00 to 2:30
The discussion, co-hosted with the Jewish group Americans for Peace Now, will feature Ghaith al-Omari, Daniel Levy and Lamia Matta, all former Palestinian or Israeli government officials and negotiators.
If you are interested in attending or would like more information, please contact Rebecca Abou-Chedid at 202.429.9210 or rabouchedid@aaiusa.org.
Ghaith al-Omari, former foreign policy adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, member of the Palestinian negotiating team during the Camp David summit and the Taba talks, and lead Palestinian drafter of the Geneva Initiative.
Daniel Levy, member of the Israeli delegation to the Taba negotiations in 2001, member of the negotiating team for the “Oslo B” Agreement in 1995 under Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin, and lead Israeli drafter of the Geneva Initiative.
Lamia Matta, former legal adviser at the Negotiations Support Unit in Ramallah and one of the main legal advisers working on coordination with Israel and the international community on the withdrawal of Israeli troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip and parts of the Northern West Bank.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Academic Seminars for Summer Interns - Washington
The National Council on US-Arab Relations presents Academic Seminar for Summer Interns
June 19 - August 16
5:30 to 7:00 each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies - Ben Rome Auditorium1619 Massachusetts Ave., NW,
Washington (2 blocks from Dupont Circle Metro)
Any student interested in attending any or all presentations shoulde-mail their name, school & major to: InternProgram@NCUSAR.org
If you have any questions about the National Council on US-Arab Relations or the Council’s Academic Seminar for Summer Interns, please contact Mark Morozink, Student Programs Coordinator, at 202.293.6466. www.ncusar.org
June 19 - America, Arabia and the Gulf: Lenses for Understanding
June 20 - Careers in National Security and Defense Affairs as well as Government Relations
June 21 - Career Opportunities in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs
June 26 - America, Arabia and the Gulf: Lenses for Understanding
June 27 - Career Opportunities in the U.S. Foreign Service
June 28 - Career Opportunities in International Education
July 10 - America, Arabia and the Gulf: Dynamics of People, Politics, and Power
July 11 - Career Opportunities in the Media
July 12 - Career Opportunities in Business
July 17 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: The Energy Dimension
July 18 - Career Opportunities in the Energy Sectors
July 19 - Career Opportunities in Defense and with Aerospace and Defense Companies
July 24 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: Dynamics of U.S. Policymaking
July 25 - Career Opportunities in Academe
July 26 - Career Opportunities in Intelligence
July 31 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: Dynamics of U.S. Policymaking
August 1 - Career Opportunities in Inter-Faith Dialogue and Understanding
August 2 - Career Opportunities in Non-Government Organizations
August 7 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: Economic and Business Dimensions
August 8 - Career Opportunities in Banking and Law
August 9 - Arab-Israeli Conflict/ Extremism/Terrorism, and Career Opportunities in Human Rights and Development
August 14 - Whither America Vis-a-Vis Iran and Iraq
August 15 - Career Opportunities on Capitol Hill and Government Relations (Lobbying)
August 16 - Further Opportunities for Arab-U.S. Relations Leadership Development and Study Abroad as well as Graduate School Programs
June 19 - August 16
5:30 to 7:00 each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies - Ben Rome Auditorium1619 Massachusetts Ave., NW,
Washington (2 blocks from Dupont Circle Metro)
Any student interested in attending any or all presentations shoulde-mail their name, school & major to: InternProgram@NCUSAR.org
If you have any questions about the National Council on US-Arab Relations or the Council’s Academic Seminar for Summer Interns, please contact Mark Morozink, Student Programs Coordinator, at 202.293.6466. www.ncusar.org
June 19 - America, Arabia and the Gulf: Lenses for Understanding
June 20 - Careers in National Security and Defense Affairs as well as Government Relations
June 21 - Career Opportunities in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs
June 26 - America, Arabia and the Gulf: Lenses for Understanding
June 27 - Career Opportunities in the U.S. Foreign Service
June 28 - Career Opportunities in International Education
July 10 - America, Arabia and the Gulf: Dynamics of People, Politics, and Power
July 11 - Career Opportunities in the Media
July 12 - Career Opportunities in Business
July 17 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: The Energy Dimension
July 18 - Career Opportunities in the Energy Sectors
July 19 - Career Opportunities in Defense and with Aerospace and Defense Companies
July 24 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: Dynamics of U.S. Policymaking
July 25 - Career Opportunities in Academe
July 26 - Career Opportunities in Intelligence
July 31 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: Dynamics of U.S. Policymaking
August 1 - Career Opportunities in Inter-Faith Dialogue and Understanding
August 2 - Career Opportunities in Non-Government Organizations
August 7 - America, Arabia, and the Gulf: Economic and Business Dimensions
August 8 - Career Opportunities in Banking and Law
August 9 - Arab-Israeli Conflict/ Extremism/Terrorism, and Career Opportunities in Human Rights and Development
August 14 - Whither America Vis-a-Vis Iran and Iraq
August 15 - Career Opportunities on Capitol Hill and Government Relations (Lobbying)
August 16 - Further Opportunities for Arab-U.S. Relations Leadership Development and Study Abroad as well as Graduate School Programs
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Richmond Arab American Family Picnic
The newdominionPAC, the Ibn Rushd Cultural Center, and the Mediterranean Bakery invite you to their first annual Richmond Arab American Family Picnic.
Sunday, June 17
3:00 to 8:00
Deep Run Park
Shelter # 1
9910 Ridgefield Parkway
Richmond (Henrico) 23233
Jameel Abed – 804.239.2414
Saba Shami – 804.562.8489
Al Khlafallah- 804.399.0388
Food and beverage are compliments of: the newdominionPAC, the Ibn Rushd Cultural Center and the Mediterranean Bakery
Deep Run Park, 9900 Ridgefield Parkway (Within the Park) Deep Run Recreation Center, 9910 Ridgefield Parkway
Sunday, June 17
3:00 to 8:00
Deep Run Park
Shelter # 1
9910 Ridgefield Parkway
Richmond (Henrico) 23233
Jameel Abed – 804.239.2414
Saba Shami – 804.562.8489
Al Khlafallah- 804.399.0388
Food and beverage are compliments of: the newdominionPAC, the Ibn Rushd Cultural Center and the Mediterranean Bakery
Deep Run Park, 9900 Ridgefield Parkway (Within the Park) Deep Run Recreation Center, 9910 Ridgefield Parkway
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Path to Citizenship-The Citizenship Test
Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross invites you to Kaleidoscope
This month’s topic is Path to Citizenship-The Citizenship Test with Kimberly Costabile, Consultant Bridge Communications
Wednesday, May 30, 5:30 to 7:00
Mason District Government Center
6507 Columbia Pike
Annandale, Virginia
For more information, please contact Fran Tunick or Marwan Burgan, Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross, 703.256.7717, Mason@fairfaxcounty.gov
This month’s topic is Path to Citizenship-The Citizenship Test with Kimberly Costabile, Consultant Bridge Communications
Wednesday, May 30, 5:30 to 7:00
Mason District Government Center
6507 Columbia Pike
Annandale, Virginia
For more information, please contact Fran Tunick or Marwan Burgan, Office of Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross, 703.256.7717, Mason@fairfaxcounty.gov
40 Years of Occupation: Tell Us Your Story

To mark the 40th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, The Arab American Institute is calling on members across the country to submit their stories about how the 1967 war and the subsequent occupation has affected their lives.
They will feature your stories, poems, artwork, and photographs of Palestine on a commemorative page on their website to be displayed during the week of the anniversary.
To submit your story, click here and tell us your story.
To submit poems and electronic images, please email them to aaimedia@aaiusa.org and include your name, phone number, title of the piece (if relevant), and information about when/where they were taken or created.
If you have print photographs, you can mail them to the AAI and they will scan them and send them back to you. Please mail them to the Arab American Institute (ATTN: Anniversary); 1600 K St. NW, Suite 601; Washington, DC 20006.
Note: The AAI reserves the right to alter the wording of your entries (with the exception of poems) for grammatical accuracy and consistency with the rest of its website, but will not change the context of your entry.
Federal Law Enforcement Agencies...What Can They Do for Us?
The Arab American Institute (AAI) & the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) invite you to a civic empowerment workshop - Federal Law Enforcement Agencies...What Can They Do for Us?
Thursday, May 31, 7:00 to 9:00 pm.
George Mason Government Center
6507 Columbia Pike
Annandale, Virginia
FBI and Department of Homeland Security senior staff members answer your questions about what they do. Learn about opportunities at the FBI & DHS
To attend, please rsvp Maram Abdelhamid at 202.429.9210, ext 13.
Thursday, May 31, 7:00 to 9:00 pm.
George Mason Government Center
6507 Columbia Pike
Annandale, Virginia
FBI and Department of Homeland Security senior staff members answer your questions about what they do. Learn about opportunities at the FBI & DHS
To attend, please rsvp Maram Abdelhamid at 202.429.9210, ext 13.
National Arab American Service Day – Washington, DC

Saturday, June 2nd at Noon
Oxon Run Park 701 Mississippi Ave., SE
Washington, DC
Organized by the AAI and co-sponsored by NNAAC, ACCESS, NAAP and the Washington, DC Department of Parks and Recreation.
This year Washington, DC Arab Americans will work with the School for Arts in Learning to coordinate a park clean-up. Each student and volunteer will contribute to a mural painted on the bridge connecting the two sides of the park. The bridge is covered in graffiti and debris, so we will help change the face of the park. We will also help clean the rest of the park and play sports like last year.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
With over 150 students, the event will need as much help as possible! To sponsor the event, sign up as a volunteer or donate toys & refreshments, call Rudy Gharib at 202.429.9210 or e-mail at http://www.blogger.com/ym/Compose?To=rgharib@aaiusa.org
Oxon Run Park 701 Mississippi Ave., SE
Washington, DC
Organized by the AAI and co-sponsored by NNAAC, ACCESS, NAAP and the Washington, DC Department of Parks and Recreation.
This year Washington, DC Arab Americans will work with the School for Arts in Learning to coordinate a park clean-up. Each student and volunteer will contribute to a mural painted on the bridge connecting the two sides of the park. The bridge is covered in graffiti and debris, so we will help change the face of the park. We will also help clean the rest of the park and play sports like last year.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
With over 150 students, the event will need as much help as possible! To sponsor the event, sign up as a volunteer or donate toys & refreshments, call Rudy Gharib at 202.429.9210 or e-mail at http://www.blogger.com/ym/Compose?To=rgharib@aaiusa.org
More Music and Dancing!
ADC Washington DC Area Chapter hosts the Friday night party at the ADC 2007 annual convention. Live hip hop performances, Arabic music and dancing all night long!
Friday, June 8, 10:00
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Empire Ballroom
2500 Calvert Street NW
Washington , DC
Tickets $15
The Arab Summit -- The N.O.M.A.D.S. -- Iron Sheik
The Arab Summit features Narcy, Ragtop, Excentrik and Omar Offendum.
DJ Bassam spinning your favorite Arabic music!
For more info - ADCDCArea@yahoo.com or 703.628.4186
To Register for ADC 2007 Annual Convention “Toward A More Perfect Union ” please go to
Friday, June 8, 10:00
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Empire Ballroom
2500 Calvert Street NW
Washington , DC
Tickets $15
The Arab Summit -- The N.O.M.A.D.S. -- Iron Sheik
The Arab Summit features Narcy, Ragtop, Excentrik and Omar Offendum.
DJ Bassam spinning your favorite Arabic music!
For more info - ADCDCArea@yahoo.com or 703.628.4186
To Register for ADC 2007 Annual Convention “Toward A More Perfect Union ” please go to
Arabic Dance Music To Sooth Your Soul!
Yalla Connect Three: `An Jadd!
Friday, June 1. Buffet Dinner starts at 8:00. Party starts at 10:00
Agua Ardiente (24th St., NW, between M and N)
$10 Cover,
$30 for Dinner. Tax and tip included and includes cover charge for the party.
Contact jamilah7@hotmail.com to rsvp for dinner.
Tables in the VIP area are still available. Contact bassam@djbassam.com
Co-sponsors: American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee's Washington DC Area Chapter (ADC-DC), Network of Arab-American Professionals' DC Chapter (NAAP-DC) and Yalla Connect (YC-DC)
Music by DJ Bassam.
Please rsvp by Tuesday, May 29.
Friday, June 1. Buffet Dinner starts at 8:00. Party starts at 10:00
Agua Ardiente (24th St., NW, between M and N)
$10 Cover,
$30 for Dinner. Tax and tip included and includes cover charge for the party.
Contact jamilah7@hotmail.com to rsvp for dinner.
Tables in the VIP area are still available. Contact bassam@djbassam.com
Co-sponsors: American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee's Washington DC Area Chapter (ADC-DC), Network of Arab-American Professionals' DC Chapter (NAAP-DC) and Yalla Connect (YC-DC)
Music by DJ Bassam.
Please rsvp by Tuesday, May 29.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Does Anybody Know About UK Citizenship Law?
I need your help.
While surfing the net (don't ask me how I got to this page) I found this info on British citizenship. http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/applying/nationality/ It contains the following:
“Applications under section 4B - Lebanese nationalsFollowing recent judicial review applications we are seeking expert opinion on the interpretation of Lebanese citizenship law. As a result, we are at present unable to decide any section 4B cases from possible Lebanese citizens and such cases will be held pending clarification. If you, your father or grandfather were born in the Lebanon you may wish to wait until the matter has been resolved before submitting an application under section 4B. We will update the website when we are in a position to decide these cases.”
It looks like there is some legal controversy as to whether Lebanese can get UK citizenship. I poked around and did not find much.
My grandfathers were born in Lebanon more than 100 years ago. Back when it was under the Ottoman Empire. So, am I a Brit? Isn’t that everybody’s dream – an American passport and a European one!
So, who knows what this is all about? Please write a post or send me an e-mail message.
While surfing the net (don't ask me how I got to this page) I found this info on British citizenship. http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/applying/nationality/ It contains the following:
“Applications under section 4B - Lebanese nationalsFollowing recent judicial review applications we are seeking expert opinion on the interpretation of Lebanese citizenship law. As a result, we are at present unable to decide any section 4B cases from possible Lebanese citizens and such cases will be held pending clarification. If you, your father or grandfather were born in the Lebanon you may wish to wait until the matter has been resolved before submitting an application under section 4B. We will update the website when we are in a position to decide these cases.”
It looks like there is some legal controversy as to whether Lebanese can get UK citizenship. I poked around and did not find much.
My grandfathers were born in Lebanon more than 100 years ago. Back when it was under the Ottoman Empire. So, am I a Brit? Isn’t that everybody’s dream – an American passport and a European one!
So, who knows what this is all about? Please write a post or send me an e-mail message.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Welcome YallaDems Visitors From Around The Globe
Who goes to YallaDems? We're delighted to welcome visitors from around the globe. In addition to the US, we've had visitors from the following countries (in order of number of visitors.)
United Kingdom
Serbia and Montenegro
South Korea
In the US, our visitors have come from the following states (in order of number of visitors):
Washington, DC
Rhode Island
New York
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
United Kingdom
Serbia and Montenegro
South Korea
In the US, our visitors have come from the following states (in order of number of visitors):
Washington, DC
Rhode Island
New York
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Arab Detroit
Check out Arab Detroit for the latest info from the center of Arab American news - Detroit! I know that this site is about what is happening in Northern Virginia but we get so many hits from around the US, Canada, and around the globe that we pass on items of interest for our global visitors.
If you want to know what's happening in the Arab American community, check out Arab Detroit!
If you want to know what's happening in the Arab American community, check out Arab Detroit!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Writing While Arab
“Writing While Arab: Politics, Hyphens and Homelands” is the theme for the second national conference of RAWI, the Radius of Arab American Writers.
Thursday, May 17 through Saturday, May 19, 2007
Arab American National Museum
13624 Michigan Avenue
Dearborn, Michigan.
The conference comprises a series of panel discussions, films, readings and other live performances, as well as an awards ceremony. Among the panelists and moderators is Dr. Steven Salaita, RAWI's executive director and author of Anti-Arab Racism in the USA: Where It Comes From and What It Means for Politics Today. The conference will provide a venue for 150 or so writers and scholars to present our writings and ideas to one another and to the Detroit and Arab communities. This year's conference theme, "Writing While Arab: Politics, Hyphens, and Homelands," seeks to address the multiple challenges Arab American writers face in an intensified post-9/11 climate.
In 21 readings and workshops open to all registered attendees ($35 for RAWI membership and "$85 for the conference, including meals), the writers will address such topics as: How is Arab American writing affected by the targeting of Arabs and Muslims as the "national enemy" inside and outside of the U.S. and by the wars waged in our home-lands? How do we envision a future for our literature between the desire for location within American culture and our trans-cultural experiences? How do we promote and teach our literature? How to promote our unconventional literature within the conventions of the market place?
To register, visit the RAWI Web site
Thursday, May 17 through Saturday, May 19, 2007
Arab American National Museum
13624 Michigan Avenue
Dearborn, Michigan.
The conference comprises a series of panel discussions, films, readings and other live performances, as well as an awards ceremony. Among the panelists and moderators is Dr. Steven Salaita, RAWI's executive director and author of Anti-Arab Racism in the USA: Where It Comes From and What It Means for Politics Today. The conference will provide a venue for 150 or so writers and scholars to present our writings and ideas to one another and to the Detroit and Arab communities. This year's conference theme, "Writing While Arab: Politics, Hyphens, and Homelands," seeks to address the multiple challenges Arab American writers face in an intensified post-9/11 climate.
In 21 readings and workshops open to all registered attendees ($35 for RAWI membership and "$85 for the conference, including meals), the writers will address such topics as: How is Arab American writing affected by the targeting of Arabs and Muslims as the "national enemy" inside and outside of the U.S. and by the wars waged in our home-lands? How do we envision a future for our literature between the desire for location within American culture and our trans-cultural experiences? How do we promote and teach our literature? How to promote our unconventional literature within the conventions of the market place?
To register, visit the RAWI Web site
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Candidates' Forum
The Democratic Women of Clifton will host a Candidates Forum on Sunday, April 29th from 3:00 to 5:00 at the Clifton Community Hall, 12641 Chapel Rd. Clifton, VA. This is a great chance to ask questions and get to know the candidates for two primary races.
Participants will be:
39th State Senate District. This seat currently is held by Jay O'Brien (R)
George Barker - www.barkerforsenate.com
Greg Gallligan - http://www.greggalligan.com
40th Delegate District. The seat is currently held by Tim Hugo (R)
Morris Meyer - http://www.morrismeyer.com
Rex Simmons - www.rexsimmons.com
Participants will be:
39th State Senate District. This seat currently is held by Jay O'Brien (R)
George Barker - www.barkerforsenate.com
Greg Gallligan - http://www.greggalligan.com
40th Delegate District. The seat is currently held by Tim Hugo (R)
Morris Meyer - http://www.morrismeyer.com
Rex Simmons - www.rexsimmons.com
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Whither the Cedar Revolution: Two Lebanese Deputies Give Their Views
Monday, April 30, noon to 1:00
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20004
Speakers: Ibrahim Y. Kanaan, Deputy in the Lebanese Parliament and Member of the Reform and Change Bloc and Ghassan E. Moukheiber, Deputy in the Lebanese Parliament and Member of the Reform and Change Bloc
Click here for reservations.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20004
Speakers: Ibrahim Y. Kanaan, Deputy in the Lebanese Parliament and Member of the Reform and Change Bloc and Ghassan E. Moukheiber, Deputy in the Lebanese Parliament and Member of the Reform and Change Bloc
Click here for reservations.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Yalla, Call!
Below is an article from the Arab American Institute. Please read and call to show our numbers of interested voters.
Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) led a bipartisan delegation to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. In addition to her official meetings, the visit was most notable for its positive contribution to U.S. public diplomacy, so desperately needed in the Arab world. For example, bringing Congressmen Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of Congress and Nick Rahall, the dean of the Arab American congressional delegation, sent positive messages of inclusion. Pelosi's spending Palm Sunday in Jerusalem with Palestinian business leaders, learning from them about the hardships of living under occupation was deeply appreciated; as was the delegations' afternoon visit to the Souk Hamadiyya in Syria. It sent a message to the Syrian people that there are Americans who care about engaging with their country and its people.
In Saudi Arabia, the scene of the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives sitting in the chair reserved for the head of the Saudi Majlis Ash-Shoura was a sign of respect for that institution, while also sending a message about the empowerment of women. The signs in the streets welcoming her, and the positive reception given to her mission in editorials across the region are a clear indication that despite the damage done in recent years to America's image, a deep reservoir of goodwill toward our country still exists.
Pelosi's was not the only congressional delegation to the region. Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) also led a Republican delegation and announced a Middle East Initiative to promote economic development in Palestine while Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) visited Syria.
Criticism of the visits have focused on Speaker Pelosi's group, but these critiques have missed the significance and timeliness of her mission. The trips of both Pelosi and Wolf are in sync with the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group (which was initiated by Wolf) which advocate regional diplomacy and dialogue.
Please call and thank Speaker Pelosi, Congressman Wolf, and other delegation members for their proactive approach and tell your Representative that you support positive US-Arab relations:
As a member of the Arab American Institute, I would like to thank you for your leadership in promoting dialogue and engagement in US-Arab relations;
Thank you for your active support of a peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict and;
Please continue to support dialogue and active US engagement to promote a peaceful and comprehensive resolution to the outstanding issues in Lebanon;
Thank you for embracing the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group which call for sustained regional dialogue and diplomacy;
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) (202) 225-0100
Congressman Nick Rahall (D-WV) (202) 225-3452
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) (202) 225-4755
Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA) (202) 225-3531
Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) (202) 225-3976
Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY) (202) 225-3615
Congressman David Hobson (R-OH) (202) 225-4324
Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) (202) 225-5136
Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-AL) (202) 225-4876
Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) (202) 225-2411
Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) (202) 225-3765
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) (202) 225-3906
Let us know about your calls! Call us at (202) 429-9210. If you live in: California, Iowa, Maryland, or Michigan ask for Valerie Smith at ext. 14 or vsmith@aaiusa.org
Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, or Virginia ask for Maram Abdelhamid at ext. 13 or mabdelhamid@aaiusa.org
Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, or any other state, ask for Jason Assir at ext. 28 or http://us.f362.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=jassir@aaiusa.org
You can also report your calls here: http://capwiz.com/arab/callalert/index.tt?alertid=9618606
Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) led a bipartisan delegation to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. In addition to her official meetings, the visit was most notable for its positive contribution to U.S. public diplomacy, so desperately needed in the Arab world. For example, bringing Congressmen Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of Congress and Nick Rahall, the dean of the Arab American congressional delegation, sent positive messages of inclusion. Pelosi's spending Palm Sunday in Jerusalem with Palestinian business leaders, learning from them about the hardships of living under occupation was deeply appreciated; as was the delegations' afternoon visit to the Souk Hamadiyya in Syria. It sent a message to the Syrian people that there are Americans who care about engaging with their country and its people.
In Saudi Arabia, the scene of the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives sitting in the chair reserved for the head of the Saudi Majlis Ash-Shoura was a sign of respect for that institution, while also sending a message about the empowerment of women. The signs in the streets welcoming her, and the positive reception given to her mission in editorials across the region are a clear indication that despite the damage done in recent years to America's image, a deep reservoir of goodwill toward our country still exists.
Pelosi's was not the only congressional delegation to the region. Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) also led a Republican delegation and announced a Middle East Initiative to promote economic development in Palestine while Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) visited Syria.
Criticism of the visits have focused on Speaker Pelosi's group, but these critiques have missed the significance and timeliness of her mission. The trips of both Pelosi and Wolf are in sync with the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group (which was initiated by Wolf) which advocate regional diplomacy and dialogue.
Please call and thank Speaker Pelosi, Congressman Wolf, and other delegation members for their proactive approach and tell your Representative that you support positive US-Arab relations:
As a member of the Arab American Institute, I would like to thank you for your leadership in promoting dialogue and engagement in US-Arab relations;
Thank you for your active support of a peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict and;
Please continue to support dialogue and active US engagement to promote a peaceful and comprehensive resolution to the outstanding issues in Lebanon;
Thank you for embracing the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group which call for sustained regional dialogue and diplomacy;
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) (202) 225-0100
Congressman Nick Rahall (D-WV) (202) 225-3452
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) (202) 225-4755
Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA) (202) 225-3531
Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) (202) 225-3976
Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY) (202) 225-3615
Congressman David Hobson (R-OH) (202) 225-4324
Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) (202) 225-5136
Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-AL) (202) 225-4876
Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) (202) 225-2411
Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) (202) 225-3765
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) (202) 225-3906
Let us know about your calls! Call us at (202) 429-9210. If you live in: California, Iowa, Maryland, or Michigan ask for Valerie Smith at ext. 14 or vsmith@aaiusa.org
Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, or Virginia ask for Maram Abdelhamid at ext. 13 or mabdelhamid@aaiusa.org
Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, or any other state, ask for Jason Assir at ext. 28 or http://us.f362.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=jassir@aaiusa.org
You can also report your calls here: http://capwiz.com/arab/callalert/index.tt?alertid=9618606
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Yalla Connect Two
At the first Yalla Connect, we “shook that Arab.” It was a smashing success – networking, tabling, live performances, slideshows, non-stop beats, dance, and dabkeh. Now, it’s time for the sequel!
Friday, April 20 - Dinner at 8:30 and the party starts at 10:00
$10 at the door and an ID showing that you’re at least 21
Check back as more information coming soon. Find out who’s performing, which community groups are being featured, and what this dinner is all about. If you can’t wait for more information, e-mail DJ Bassam or nourae@mac.com.
This event is co-sponsored by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - Washington DC Area Chapter, the Network of Arab-American Professionals - DC Chapter and Yalla Connect DC.
Friday, April 20 - Dinner at 8:30 and the party starts at 10:00
$10 at the door and an ID showing that you’re at least 21
Check back as more information coming soon. Find out who’s performing, which community groups are being featured, and what this dinner is all about. If you can’t wait for more information, e-mail DJ Bassam or nourae@mac.com.
This event is co-sponsored by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - Washington DC Area Chapter, the Network of Arab-American Professionals - DC Chapter and Yalla Connect DC.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Governor Kaine Breaks Bread With NDPAC
The newdominionPAC family enjoyed a beautiful spring evening with Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. At a private dinner in the historic Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Governor Kaine and Larry Roberts, the Governor’s Counsel, mingled and dined with NDPAC members.
NDPAC Vice President , Jameel Abed opened the evening with remarks of Governor Kaine’s long relationship with our community. Jameel recalled a time, more than fifteen years ago, when Governor Kaine told him that our community members need to step up in Virginia politics.
NDPAC President, Saba Shami spoke of his good friend, the Governor, and how close our relationships are with the Governor and his Administration.
Governor Kaine echoed these remarks in his heart-felt thanks to Saba, Jameel, and to our community. He spoke of Saba’s service in his administration and recognized Sam Abed for his work in the Kaine administration, too.
Mr. Roberts spoke of his relationship with Saba and Sam in the administration of the state government. He took questions from the guests and he talked about what we can do to increase the number of Arab-Americans in government positions.
Sam Rasoul, a Palestinian-American, spoke of his candidacy for the US Congress from the 6th District of Virginia.
As you might imagine, when the NDPAC family gets together, we have fun. After dinner, members talked, toured the beautiful Jefferson Hotel, and looked forward to us getting together like this again.
NDPAC Vice President , Jameel Abed opened the evening with remarks of Governor Kaine’s long relationship with our community. Jameel recalled a time, more than fifteen years ago, when Governor Kaine told him that our community members need to step up in Virginia politics.
NDPAC President, Saba Shami spoke of his good friend, the Governor, and how close our relationships are with the Governor and his Administration.
Governor Kaine echoed these remarks in his heart-felt thanks to Saba, Jameel, and to our community. He spoke of Saba’s service in his administration and recognized Sam Abed for his work in the Kaine administration, too.
Mr. Roberts spoke of his relationship with Saba and Sam in the administration of the state government. He took questions from the guests and he talked about what we can do to increase the number of Arab-Americans in government positions.
Sam Rasoul, a Palestinian-American, spoke of his candidacy for the US Congress from the 6th District of Virginia.
As you might imagine, when the NDPAC family gets together, we have fun. After dinner, members talked, toured the beautiful Jefferson Hotel, and looked forward to us getting together like this again.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Benefit Concert
The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development and ANERA- American Near East Refugee Aid present Sonic Dialogue , A Benefit Concert featuring Lebanese pianist Rami Khalife and Syrian clarinetist Kinan Azmeh in a unique musical dialogue. Reflecting traditions of their countries of origin, these internationally acclaimed, Julliard-trained musicians and composers improvise on themes that explore the wider Arab musical landscape, as well as the world musical scene.
Thursday, April 12, 7:00
Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre
1611 N. Kent St.
Arlington, VA (Two blocks from Rosslyn Metro. Free parking.)
Tickets: $25.00 General Admission
Tickets can be purchased in advance with a credit card by calling 202.338.1958 or in person at the Jerusalem Fund offices A limited number of tickets will be available at the door on the night of the performance.
At the musicians' request, concert proceeds will provide education and nutrition for preschool and kindergarten children in Lebanon and Gaza through The Jerusalem Fund and ANERA.
Thursday, April 12, 7:00
Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre
1611 N. Kent St.
Arlington, VA (Two blocks from Rosslyn Metro. Free parking.)
Tickets: $25.00 General Admission
Tickets can be purchased in advance with a credit card by calling 202.338.1958 or in person at the Jerusalem Fund offices A limited number of tickets will be available at the door on the night of the performance.
At the musicians' request, concert proceeds will provide education and nutrition for preschool and kindergarten children in Lebanon and Gaza through The Jerusalem Fund and ANERA.
Picture Balata
Picture Balata put the camera into the hands of the children born, raised, and living under the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Participants, ranging in age 11 to 18, photograph their life in the Balata refugee camp.
Located outside of the West Bank city of Nablus, the Balata refugee camp is home to almost 25,000 residents living on less than one square kilometer. It is the most densely populated refugee camp in the West Bank. In recent years, Balata has seen hundreds of deaths and arrests, dozens of home demolitions, and near-nightly invasions by the Israeli Defense Forces. It is here, the Picture Balata workshop was started to teach youth from the camp about photography. What resulted was a way for the youth to document their lives and tell their stories.
From April 4 to April 18, four of the Picture Balata photographers will travel to the US to display their photographs and talk about their lives growing up in Balata refugee camp.
An Evening with Picture Balata
Friday, March 23, 7:00
Butler Board Room
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016
Join Hussein Ibish, Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine and Executive Director of the Hala Salaam Maksoud Foundation for Arab-Americans; Phyllis Bennis, co-founder, U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation and Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS); and Hurriyah Dabkeh Troupe for an evening to benefit Picture Balata.
Light fare will be served
Tickets: $20 general admission $10 w/Student ID.
To RSVP, or for further information, please email DCPictureBalata@gmail.com
Photo Exhibit
Attend the exhibition opening where 4 of the young photographers from Balata discuss their work.
Saturday April 7 from 4:00 to 6:30
Busboys and Poets
2021 14th, St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Gallery Exhibit
April 8 through 30. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
1732 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20007By appointment only, contact DCPictureBalata@gmail.com
Located outside of the West Bank city of Nablus, the Balata refugee camp is home to almost 25,000 residents living on less than one square kilometer. It is the most densely populated refugee camp in the West Bank. In recent years, Balata has seen hundreds of deaths and arrests, dozens of home demolitions, and near-nightly invasions by the Israeli Defense Forces. It is here, the Picture Balata workshop was started to teach youth from the camp about photography. What resulted was a way for the youth to document their lives and tell their stories.
From April 4 to April 18, four of the Picture Balata photographers will travel to the US to display their photographs and talk about their lives growing up in Balata refugee camp.
An Evening with Picture Balata
Friday, March 23, 7:00
Butler Board Room
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016
Join Hussein Ibish, Senior Fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine and Executive Director of the Hala Salaam Maksoud Foundation for Arab-Americans; Phyllis Bennis, co-founder, U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation and Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS); and Hurriyah Dabkeh Troupe for an evening to benefit Picture Balata.
Light fare will be served
Tickets: $20 general admission $10 w/Student ID.
To RSVP, or for further information, please email DCPictureBalata@gmail.com
Photo Exhibit
Attend the exhibition opening where 4 of the young photographers from Balata discuss their work.
Saturday April 7 from 4:00 to 6:30
Busboys and Poets
2021 14th, St. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Gallery Exhibit
April 8 through 30. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
1732 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20007By appointment only, contact DCPictureBalata@gmail.com
Monday, March 19, 2007
Night of 1,000 Conversations - Thursday, March 29
The Arab American Institute invites you to a Night Of 1,000 Conversations - A Conversation about the Arab American Experience After September 11: Immigration, Civil Liberties and Justice
Thursday, March 29
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Main Community Room
Mason District Governmental Center
6507 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003
The evening is part of Liberty & Justice for All’s nationwide dialogue to bring people together in living rooms, community centers, schools, and places of worship to work towards immigration reform that protects our core American values of fairness and justice, and defends due process for everyone.
Please RSVP to Maram Abdelhamid at mabdelhamid@aaiusa.org or 202.429.92910 x13.
Thursday, March 29
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Main Community Room
Mason District Governmental Center
6507 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003
The evening is part of Liberty & Justice for All’s nationwide dialogue to bring people together in living rooms, community centers, schools, and places of worship to work towards immigration reform that protects our core American values of fairness and justice, and defends due process for everyone.
Please RSVP to Maram Abdelhamid at mabdelhamid@aaiusa.org or 202.429.92910 x13.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Thursday, March 15th from 10:00 to midnight 
at Busboys and Poets in Washington, enjoy the comedy of Palestinian American comedian and actress Maysoon Zayid. Maysoon has performed comedy in top New York clubs, including The Improv, Caroline's, Gotham, and Stand-Up NY, and has toured her stand-up act extensively in both the USA and abroad. I saw her last year when she toured with the Axis of Evil Comedy Tour and she is side-splitting funny! Actually, all of the comedians in the Tour are a riot.
Admission is only $10.

at Busboys and Poets in Washington, enjoy the comedy of Palestinian American comedian and actress Maysoon Zayid. Maysoon has performed comedy in top New York clubs, including The Improv, Caroline's, Gotham, and Stand-Up NY, and has toured her stand-up act extensively in both the USA and abroad. I saw her last year when she toured with the Axis of Evil Comedy Tour and she is side-splitting funny! Actually, all of the comedians in the Tour are a riot.
Admission is only $10.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
AAI Round Table
You're Invited to the AAI Round Table!
Thursday, March 15, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
This month’s topic is: Immigration & Civil Liberties, with special guest Stephanie Anderson, Deputy Director, Campaign Operations,
Liberty & Justice for All – A Campaign of the Rights Working Group
Snacks and beverages will be provided!
Please RSVP to: Maram Abdelhamid, mabdelhamid@aaiusa.org 202.429.9210 X13
Thursday, March 15, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
The Arab American Institute
1600 K St. NW, Suite 601
Washington, DC 20006
Every month, chat with community members and AAI staff about the issues you care about. Discuss your views and help shape AAI policy.
This month’s topic is: Immigration & Civil Liberties, with special guest Stephanie Anderson, Deputy Director, Campaign Operations,
Liberty & Justice for All – A Campaign of the Rights Working Group
Snacks and beverages will be provided!
Please RSVP to: Maram Abdelhamid, mabdelhamid@aaiusa.org 202.429.9210 X13
ADC Washington Board Elections
ADC Washington DC Area Chapter
2007 Board Elections
March 5, 2007 · Nomination period begins
April 6, 2007 · Deadline to submit nomination forms
April 30, 2007 · Ballots mailed
May 21, 2007 · Election deadline
May 29, 2007 · Results announced
Nomination Process:
· Completed nomination forms should be faxed to 202.333.3980 or mailed to:
ADC Washington DC Area Chapter
c/o Nabil Mohamad, Organizing Director
ADC National Office
1732 Wisconsin Avenue
Washington DC, 20007
· ADC must receive all nomination forms by April 6, 2007 by 5:00 p.m. Mailed nomination forms must be postmarked no later than April 6, 2007.
· Nominees must be current ADC members, as defined by ADC by-laws (see Election Rules below), by 5:00 p.m. on April 13, 2007 and adhere to ADC’s mission.
Election Rules
· There are five open positions on the Board during this election.
· The term for the open positions is 2 years.
· ADC by-laws empower the Chapter Board Committee to administer the election. Accordingly, the Chapter Board will form an Election Committee to oversee the election and ensure that the process is fair.
· To be eligible to vote, one must be an ADC member as of 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2007. Current ADC voting members, as defined by ADC by-laws, are individuals at least 18 years of age, who have paid annual membership dues for the year in which the vote is taking place.
(Please print clearly)
Please check one
_____ I would like to nominate the following person as a candidate for the Washington DC Area Chapter Board of Directors. I read and understand the election rules completely.
____I am a current ADC Member, and I would like to nominate myself as a candidate for the Washington DC Area Chapter Board of Directors. I have read and understand the election rules completely.
Your Name: ______________________________
Address: ________________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________
e-mail: _________________________________
Nominee’s Name: __________________________
Address: ________________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________
e-mail: _________________________________
Address: ________________________________
2007 Board Elections
March 5, 2007 · Nomination period begins
April 6, 2007 · Deadline to submit nomination forms
April 30, 2007 · Ballots mailed
May 21, 2007 · Election deadline
May 29, 2007 · Results announced
Nomination Process:
· Completed nomination forms should be faxed to 202.333.3980 or mailed to:
ADC Washington DC Area Chapter
c/o Nabil Mohamad, Organizing Director
ADC National Office
1732 Wisconsin Avenue
Washington DC, 20007
· ADC must receive all nomination forms by April 6, 2007 by 5:00 p.m. Mailed nomination forms must be postmarked no later than April 6, 2007.
· Nominees must be current ADC members, as defined by ADC by-laws (see Election Rules below), by 5:00 p.m. on April 13, 2007 and adhere to ADC’s mission.
Election Rules
· There are five open positions on the Board during this election.
· The term for the open positions is 2 years.
· ADC by-laws empower the Chapter Board Committee to administer the election. Accordingly, the Chapter Board will form an Election Committee to oversee the election and ensure that the process is fair.
· To be eligible to vote, one must be an ADC member as of 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2007. Current ADC voting members, as defined by ADC by-laws, are individuals at least 18 years of age, who have paid annual membership dues for the year in which the vote is taking place.
(Please print clearly)
Please check one
_____ I would like to nominate the following person as a candidate for the Washington DC Area Chapter Board of Directors. I read and understand the election rules completely.
____I am a current ADC Member, and I would like to nominate myself as a candidate for the Washington DC Area Chapter Board of Directors. I have read and understand the election rules completely.
Your Name: ______________________________
Address: ________________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________
e-mail: _________________________________
Nominee’s Name: __________________________
Address: ________________________________
Telephone Number: ________________________
e-mail: _________________________________
Address: ________________________________
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