Wednesday, October 8, 2008


You are invited to an evening with Daoud Nassar from Tent of Nations.

Thursday, October 16 from 8:00 to 10:00

Busboys and Poets
4251 S. Campbell Avenue
Shirlington, VA

Daoud Nassar is a Palestinian Christian farmer whose family works its 100-acre farm and olive grove just outside the West Bank town of Bethlehem. It is on this farm that the family members strive to maintain a haven of peace and brotherhood through activities at Tent of Nations, a dynamic peace and local education center where international visitors, including Israelis of good will, join in farming and peace activities.

Cost: $15.00 desserts and drinks will be provided.

Seating is limited to first 60 so please contact Kay Plitt at
to make your reservation by Friday, October 10 (You may pay at the door.)

Donations to FOTONNA will be welcomed! Friends of Tent of Nations North America (FOTONNA), a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization.

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